could you help out a first time outdoors man?


Well-Known Member
ok tomorrow me and my buddy are going to look for a plot to grow outside on. were doing 4 plants total. seems like a good number. right now i got one already started inside and im going to germ 3 more seeds tonight.

once we find the land we are going to get it ready and then plant at the end of the month. i just got some questions so i can plan this out price wise...

how big of a spot would we need for 4 plants. and to get it ready i planned on getting all the weeds out, putting some worm castings down, potash, lime.. anything else?

i was thinking about getting a 10lb bag of worm castings... im not exactly sure how much to put down. could you help cuz im trying to price this out...

thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Just plant them in 5 gal containers with fox farms or a pro mix type medium and bury the containers.


Well-Known Member
why would that be better than just burying them straight into the ground?

and fucking weather... it just snowed a good 2-3 inches. wtf?!? now i cant go searching tomorrow... :(


Active Member
well what im doing is just going to prepare the soil. and im doing 3ft by 3ft holes or something prettty close lol. just gunna mix in good soil and transplant em in the hole. tryin to shell out as little money as possible with my first grow and gunna see how i do.


Well-Known Member
yeah im trying not to spend too much money either... i wanna plan out the cost. which is what this thread is supposed to help me with.

im still curious about what boneman said. what are the pros and cons of putting them in buckets compared to the ground.


Well-Known Member
If you are threatened by storms you can move them if they're in pots. When they're in the ground, you're knackered unless you put a tarp over them.

Mine are in 3 gallon pots because the UK weather can be pretty fucking iffy.


Well-Known Member
yeah the weather by me is bipolar (it fucking SNOWED yesterday) until about end of april/may. then it usually evens out. summers could get dry though. thats the only thing. it has gone weeks without rain before. and as for storms a bad one will not last more than 30 minutes.

but boneman said to burry them. i wouldnt be able to move them if i burried them


Active Member
ya man its up to you as to bury them or even put them in buckets. im not becuase the weather here is pretty much gunna stay warm and sunny im just gunna grow em naturally in some soil mixed with storebought stuff. best of luck to you man. only thing that has cost me so far is lights and fixture stuff. spent only 20 bucks so far.


Well-Known Member
TBH it's pretty pointless burying a pot, you might as well put it in the ground because one of the main pro's of having a pot is that it can be moved if need be.
I dug mine into a hole, if you go on my grow journal there's pics. Basically I dug a hole the same depth as the pot and about 5 inches wider so I can move it if push comes to shove but it doesn't look really obvious from a distance, and it won't suffer from higher temps in the day and colder at night (black heats up a lot on a sunny day and roots don't like too much heat, it's dug into the ground to prevent extreme heat as well.)


Well-Known Member
n remember that buckets are one more thing to worry about. If u can plant in the ground go for it. The roots will take off in the ground if it is amanded correctly.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think i will just bury it in the ground. and am i on the right track with my idea for getting the soil ready?


Well-Known Member
Mix in some perlite, about 20%. and if you have dry spells 20% vermiculite or peat moss will help retain some water. Other than that the worm castings sound great, if your not going to buy any nutes you might wanna get some bone and blood meal, you can get this at any planters store. You're gonna wanna dig holes like 2 ft wide and 3 ft deep.


Well-Known Member
You could. If you're worried about the soil drying up, as well as adding perlite/vermiculite you could add water retaining crystals into the soil mix - I've used them before and I have to say that they're great, helps you cut down on the amount of times you need to water which often means you need to make less trips to your spot.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i seen those in a video guide. i forgot about that. i was going to do those. it can get dry here sometimes. weve gone a few weeks without rain. at least three


Well-Known Member
I only use buckets to transport soil or water, planting in buckets becomes a pain in the ass. Dig a hole about 3x3 if you have the room for a bigger bush and go smaller if you want a smaller plant. The key is you want to break your way down till the soil changes, this will allow the plant to get water. Take a look at the soil in your spot and amend it if needed, you want a lightened, rich, soil and make sure to lime if you think it might be acidy. I just got back from seting this years holes!! Cant wait till fall!!

bust a flow

Active Member
ok tomorrow me and my buddy are going to look for a plot to grow outside on. were doing 4 plants total. seems like a good number. right now i got one already started inside and im going to germ 3 more seeds tonight.

once we find the land we are going to get it ready and then plant at the end of the month. i just got some questions so i can plan this out price wise...

how big of a spot would we need for 4 plants. and to get it ready i planned on getting all the weeds out, putting some worm castings down, potash, lime.. anything else?

i was thinking about getting a 10lb bag of worm castings... im not exactly sure how much to put down. could you help cuz im trying to price this out...

thanks guys.
Dude i would bury them in the ground, dig the biggest hole you can, and fill it with coco coir, worm castings, and alot of perlite, big holes and loose organic mixes promote vigorious root growth. that is assuming u want plants taller than you!:weed:


Well-Known Member
what would i look for that makes soil acidy? like how do i know if it is or isnt...
You would need a soil tester,but all that is not necessary.get the best compost,garden soil that you can buy including your worm castings and like and above post get some perlite to aerate soil more and vermiculite also aerate more and hold better water retention crystals are not necessary if you can water once every 5-7 days..dig a hole for each plant about 2 feet deep max and 3 feet wide the roots spread more then they grow down,put half of the soil already there back,a trick to clean the junk out of the soil is make a large version of a sand sifter like kind at the beach,a square frame and some 3/8 inch screen can make crappy rocky soil into soft junk free soil but anyways..then mix in 1/4 compost,and 1/4 garden soil,add about 4-5 cups of perlite and about 3-4 cups of vermiculite,then about 5-6 cups of worm castings do not use blood meal or bone meal if its outdoors away from close watch cause animals will dig in it,also fish emulsion will attract animals if used potently enough.get some basic nutirents preferebly organics not chemical nutrients,leaves the soil to be crap afterwards,and maybe some molasses thats all you really need and of course water.give it something like 10-8-5 during vegatative growth, then get something like 5-10-3 or 5-10-5 for flower anything close to those ratios will work just use what you think will work for you.:weed: