Could you help?


Well-Known Member
Hey guy. I've noticed some strange marks on the leaf of my outdoor plant.
Can you tell me what the hell is causing this?
I've been feeding her normal nutes and the other plants do not appear to have this problem.
I haven't had damage on my MJ before, it was spinach and chard. I accepted the loss, it was always pretty benign. How bad are they working your leaves?
spinosad is one of the few insecticides that gets rid of leaf miner. a ready to spray product is available called Jack's Dead Bug and it's organic
I haven't had damage on my MJ before, it was spinach and chard. I accepted the loss, it was always pretty benign. How bad are they working your leaves?

Not much, a few leaves here and there are affected. The affected leaves look healthy otherwise just those ugly marks. I'm worried about a possible infestation if I leave them alone.
spinosad is one of the few insecticides that gets rid of leaf miner. a ready to spray product is available called Jack's Dead Bug and it's organic

Thanks for the info. I'll try to find a similar product since I don't live in the US.
The lay eggs in the leaves and when they hatch they start burrowing through the leaves leaving the trail markings behind, once they eat enough they then deposit their eggs at the end of the trail where they hatched from and bounce, applying even pressure to both side of the leaf at both the start and finish of their trails will kill them ,eggs or live ones stopping the damage from spreading, thumb and index finger will cover most of their trail . No need to remove damaged tissue