Well-Known Member
i use porn for one thing nowadays..to get off bottomline. It taught me certain things when i was younger that i knew nothing about. Yes it helped me blossum into what i am now. Sure we could bang and you might know something that i dont but chances are Ive already been there done that. Been having sex for 8 years. It doesnt sound like much time but when you think about highschool and college sex... Those years were just insane .... If a dude is twisting nipples and what not than he is an idiot. you have to find out what the other person likes. The first time isnt always the best but it can be with the right experience"See.You're learning from porn.Guarantee you, my friend, and this is not a cheap shot at you...if you and I screwed, I'd probably be correcting you.If you look at porn and think any of that spitting goobers on crotches, nipple twisting, cum shot bullshit is skill...you're absolutely wrong."
"This entire argument shows me, that you don't think women are on the same level emotionally as you.Guy sluts cause drama.Women get jealous.You can run into your boyfriends ex pretty easily,too.You're talking in absolutes.Which shows me, you're not THINKING about this, you're feeling about this.You're reciting from rote, what you have been taught.And what is generally accepted by our society".

.... taught by society? lol Dont you teach yourself about society? We have guidelines and general beliefs that we learn from society and they are there for a reason! When all the smoke clears from this thread what does it boil down to? It boils down to how women have penis envy and fell they have the same rights as men. Well the truth hurts, You dont. Men will always be able to do things women cant, its the way we are built, its nature. Women can do things that men cant, and those things revolve around women being able to have children. Women are meant to nurture, men are meant to provide. Its basic. When you try to dissolve who we naturally are thats when you run into trouble.
In no way am I saying women are inferior to men at all, Im just saying that men and women are both beings meant to compliment one another. Its amazing how we abuse our freedoms as americans. Its not right to treat women like cattle but its also not right for a woman to want what only a man can (for a lack of better words) obtain.