religious upbringing by any chance?
BZZT! Wrong assumption by a loong shot.
not neccesarily i think if we did a poll you would find he's in the minority of men and majority of women, some men have a more feminine side to em wat can i say lol
Interesting. I always thought that I was in touch with my feminine side...

I guess I'm just feminine...
I personally wouldn't tag anyone, male or female with the 'slut' term. It just shits me when I see these threads that insinuate that guys who fuck like rabbits are OK, but women who do are dirty sluts! I mean really, what is the difference between the two?
If a woman has had 25 different sexual partners, then I reckon she would probably have a good idea of how to turn a guy on. If not, then she has had a lot of fun for herself. If a guy has done the same, I'd hope he had some idea of how to turn a woman on, otherwise all that sex would have been a waste of time.
ripz said:
then you have no interest in your health, self esteem,public image etc?
you can pretend your not bothered but unless you got a low iq this shit will eat at you.
If you have love, trust and friendship in your relationship, past experiences shouldn't even enter into the equation.
Public image? Is that like when all your mates take you aside and say, "Gee mate, we've all been there, don't marry her!" I'd call that double standards.
Low IQ does not dictate your sexual promiscuity or ignorance ripz.
Some of the most gifted people on the planet fucked like mad rabbits.
My last partner (of 16 years) couldn't remember the number of sexual partners she had. I met her when she was 20 something. Ironically, I trusted her, but she was the most jealous monster you have met. Lovely person, but insanely jealous to the point of secretly following me to work and threatening female store workers that I delivered freight to.
In my experience, single people who have a lot of sexual partners, and please, this is my opinion, I don't state it as a fact; people who have a lot of sexual partners either enjoy sex for the sake of sex, or they are looking for love.
I also believe that a lot of young girls get seduced by romantic advances of some guy who just wants 'some nice tight pussy' to quote someone from another thread (
is this wrong). At a tender emotional age, it can sometimes end up that they start to believe sex = love. Then the same dirty pigs that prey on these young girls then call them sluts when they're older because they're fucking guys all over the place, trying to find real love.
The same thing can happen to blokes too. Problem is, most of us grow up with this peer pressure that says if you're a boy, it is 'required' that you have sex and have it with many partners. If you get dumped by a girl, you can't let that worry you. Just find another one. Which leads me to this statement ripz:
ripz said:
i'm just being honest i'm not saying it's right just that it is what it is and right or wrong its always been that way and probably always will be. i personally would not entertain the idea of marrying someone with that much history but then that makes me a hypocrite. i accept that but does it mean that i'm going to change? no chance! the way we are programmed (norms) makes us act and think in a certain way thats how it is.
I had long arguments with my ex about pot and the kids. Her take was that I was not supposed to even mention that I had ever smoked. Her opinion was also that it was OK for her kids at 17 to drink at home, but not smoke.
I was of the view that I couldn't do that because it was hypocritical of me to denounce pot because I have always been a smoker.
Hypocrisy is an unfortunate trait to carry through life. Defending something you believe is not exactly feminine either ripz.