Dr. Greenhorn
Well-Known Member
still following
just been kinda quiet lately

Well then they can fucking fix it !!!!They can't get accepted to take credit cards, ellite is a thing of the past.
yeah i did notice the store is gone.well that sucks .does anybody know if they will fix it ??? somehowyeah not a chance if your on the match list (a black list maintained by the banks in which merchants that have been denied/suspended/had their contract terminated/ect for whatever reason) once your on the what I know is called "Match 22" or so I was told once you are not going to be taking cards anymore, unless though like ccbill or anyther payment proxy type provider, but there is no way they would approve this site, being weed isn't legal in most states.
banks won't go for it, ALSO banks hate weed in itself, makes plp not need them as much....
Nothing to fix, notice they dont even have a hydro store anymore.
rep isn't dick size, bank balance, or anything else of importance so no worries.
Elite is dead, so is the store. Notice rollitup or staff don't answer? Cause it's dead, kaput, belly-up, gone.