Counting Days !


Just a 2 quick questions on times. I know everyone will answer differently !

1. Do you count the days from when you switch to 12/12 or from the day when the plant starts to flower ?

2. Do you start to flush/feed the plant water at the start of the sixth week or when the trics turn 60/70% amber?

Thanks Guys


Well-Known Member
1. i personally count it from the day i switch to 12 12
2. You need to use a jewellers loop or pocket microscope and flushing is up to the individual. You can run nutes right up until harvest, you can flush when trichs turn 10% 20% 30% etc it all depends on how you like your MJ to be.

some people just back off the strength of the nutes in the last few weeks. Others use a RIPENER to help speed things up.

Flushing with plain ph'd water is supposed to create a better/cleaner tasting harvest.

You need to make that decision yourself.



Well-Known Member
Also flowering times are approximate not definative. they are based on the earliest possibly harvest time.

Even a 9 week flowering strain can still take 11-12 weeks to be where you want it to be. eg if you want couchlock etc.

It is governed on strain, environment, stress etc.



Thanks peeps. Need to get myself a scope to see whats going on. I dont actually know how long the plant is supposed to take, so ill have to go off trics. If i switched on may 1st, when would you hazard a guess at starting a flush? The plant started to show 10 days later, so i have two dates to go on ! your advise would help

Thanks again


What are you growing? I lost track of my sensi star, pulled the scope started flushing when amber showed about 10%. Buds came out perfect.


Well-Known Member
is the plant an indica or sativa? an indica will be done sooner, and soon i'd say.

having done both nutes til end of grow and flushing and pure water no nutes for 2 weeks prior to the chop, i believe it makes a big difference in the quality of the smoke. not as harsh etc

some people count from when plants show presex! i say they've been in flower from when i flip to 12 but apparently it's not entirely accurate, but in fairness it's accurate enough for me.


What are you growing? I lost track of my sensi star, pulled the scope started flushing when amber showed about 10%. Buds came out perfect.
went on holiday to jamaica and brought back some seeds. Its an indica, high grade stuff! ! I'll get a picture up later, to see if you can name it. It smoked like a dream. I also put in some red string thai, bag seed. Just to see how it would come out. It's looking very nice actually. Smells rarther woddy, but crystals to death.


is the plant an indica or sativa? an indica will be done sooner, and soon i'd say.

having done both nutes til end of grow and flushing and pure water no nutes for 2 weeks prior to the chop, i believe it makes a big difference in the quality of the smoke. not as harsh etc

some people count from when plants show presex! i say they've been in flower from when i flip to 12 but apparently it's not entirely accurate, but in fairness it's accurate enough for me.
I have two types growing. One Indica 'high grade' and some red string BAGSEED that's a sativa. Switched them both on 1st may but all are at diff' stages. one of the Satvias is nearly amber, but i thought they took longer than Indica. I did have them vegging for ages though. Would that make a differance?