Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

Hey man, been lurking but haven't posted yet. Just wanted to say congrats on getting your chop done, even with all the drama. If you aren't a little paranoid around harvest time then you are likely to get burned. When is it too much paranoia? Wish I knew! Anyway, I hope things calm down around you now. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Ouch, regardless of the above post, this thread had me on the edge of my seat. It is a nice change from most people's threads. Anyway shit's looking like it's coming together, judging from your pics. Good Job JBird!

Lol I was on a bit of an edge myself. Concerning this thread I've simply shared a snapshot of my life as it is. People have always tended to either like me a lot or not at all. Yep I'm one of those guys. I mention that because it's plain to see that the guy making the nasty post obviously does not like me. He seen a good opportunity to slander me and did so. According to his mentality anyone who ever thinks other people are out to take advantage of them must indeed be schizophrenic. This joker even went so far as to include a definition of it. I've heard doublejj express a lot of concern over the ever present ripper danger that lurks for all weed farmers. I guess I'm not the only schizo on the forum aye? Welcome to the Cuckoo's Nest doublejj :o

In regards to the nasty post that ol boy left? Well it's pretty plain to see their was a shitty little agenda behind his slanderous post. If he was genuine in his heart he would have sent me a private message expressing concern for my well being. Something like "hey JBird please don't take offense but I wanted to point something out to you. It seems to me........................" But instead he takes a grand standing position as Rollitups very own Dr. Phil. He splashes his malignant little opinion right out on my front street. It is plain to see according to how he wrote that his intention was to demean me and make me look bad. Now as to why he set about to do this is anyone's guess. But before making a guess one must consider that when he got a negative reaction from me(what else could he have possibly been expecting?) he went full on with slanderous remarks about me and even the quality of my weed o_O . This is all very telling that somewhere deep down inside this person has some sort of animosity towards me. Jealous of my trivial little ol Middler HillBilly thread? Does it get to many posts or looks or likes? What kind of Simple Simon horse shit is this joker slinging? He ended up conveying that my problem does in fact lie in one of two things. Either I'm scizophrenic or I'm a dumb ass? To him the world is very much black and white. I live in a world of gray but I'm not like him. I'm nothing like him. He has a disgusting disposition and his unfounded hatred shows through in his posts plain as day. He is the pesky thunder cloud that ruins a beautiful picnic.

Now had he in fact sent me a private message of genuine concern I would have responded with something like this.

Thank you for your concern. That is not the case with me. But I take no offense in your question. As a matter of fact I am in fact a "Classic Manic Depressant" as they say. Also known as Bi Polar 1 disorder. A trained eye might be able to read the tea leaves so to speak by the frequency and tone of my posts. Periods where I devote lots of time to it then I vanish for a while. Yes I am wired a little different than most. So? That has nothing to do with a plot to steal a person's pot. Peoples crops get stolen on a regular basis. Started growing when I was 17 with a 9 year absence until this year. Had pot stolen from me 3 times. Twice from the field and once from a staging/curing area before it was to be buried. The latter being the last time I grew. I was so disgusted that I refused to grow for a few years. There are people around here and always have been who go out hunting for it like Ginseng or something. Theft is a very real and ever present threat when growing. That dead horse has been beaten plenty.

I was going to comment on his personal attacks on me for being stupid for hanging with tweekers but I think it's already been addressed. Dating woman, woman wins my heat, woman suddenly does 180 and is using again(I knew that she had problems with it in her past.), I demand changes, no change, sets aside convictions in order to spend time with her, I had it bad, real bad, etc. There are in fact 2 very distinct Melissa's. Sober from the hard shit and just talking to Bob(that's what she calls smoking pot lol) and Melissa strung out on a bender of who knows how long. The second one trumps the first and that took a while to accept. Even after seeing the worse of her I started to falter in my conviction to part ways. Started thinking, if she will just stay clean. To me the obvious decision is to part ways with her. I don't plan on talking anymore about it either. I'm starting to bow hunt now and I've been doing some scouting for grow areas next year. I'll be hitting my thread here and there whenever I feel so inclined.
Here's a little copy and paste of my own.

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

Way to ruin it Tree man, some of us were appreciating the edge of the seat action, which some of us can relate too or have related too. Anyway oh well, maybe I lead a boring life I guess.
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When this crazy fucker (ie me ) is on nightshifts I get paid great money to browse and keep up with everyones threads...its when im at home on my weed beer whiskey and some sex bender I dont keep up....:/
Just gotta ask- is the picture you posted Saturday this year's total crop- or do you have more?

I missed most of your drama this summer but really enjoyed the pictures of your grow- gave me both inspiration and a few ideas for next year. I'm not in a position to guerilla grow (unless you consider growing in the backyard while living in the center of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy a guerilla grow) but plan to adopt a few of your pointers for next year. I'll keep lurking for the remainder of your 2014 grow season and hope your love life issues get worked out soon and you meet a real classy lady who helps build you up and not tear you down.
Holy cow! I'm fairly new here and just read your thread. Good navigating the sketch balls. I just wanted to say I've been in some situations where the greed (read fear) takes over and people who I thought were compassionate friends turn out to act selfish and douchey. Business and personal relationships are difficult to reconcile. I have a friend who was murdered over ego and being slighted on a farm. We heard about everything in bits and pieces and still people refuse to believe a friend killed another one in cold blood (and almost killed the neighbors who were first responders). It's stressful at the end of the season and some things can be forgiven but as a rule I only have few that I can trust, simply because they are genuine and it shows. Every other "friend" I trust only to a point within their character, meaning I see and understand what fear they have by watching their social politics, I'm sure we all watch that to a certain degree. Glad everything turned out alright in the end. Noone hurt or arrested or worse. May we all remember to keep what's precious to ourselves and the few that deserve the honor of keeping that secret. It's a responsibility not to be taken lightly. Knowledge is power, don't just give that shit away. Good luck this year, and nice plants you grew there.