County Attorneys try to shut down Medical MJ. AGAIN.


New Member
Gotta Love the AZ officials...
The can not even come to a mutual agreement, convoluted state.
It will not be the registration certificate that is the issue it will be the Conditional use permit from the municipality apparently. Already have a permit? it can be revoked over night... Heads Up players..
Interesting source.

Here is another article thwarting the program:
Read more:


Well-Known Member
I saw this one coming six months ago. You did not think it would be that easy did you? Once the dispensaries gain a permit from the state, they then must be approved by their local zoning board and they have up to a year to have their location and facility approved and open and operating. Things are just getting started in this battle.


Well-Known Member
you would think these law and order types should recognize that WE changed the law LEGALLY!