Couple Of Chicks

LOLMFOL ! Ilike this song too. :leaf:



sour diesel:leaf:




Sativa strain:leaf:


both of em:leaf:


Thanks ! The pictures really don't to them justice, there're big.:leaf: I noticed on the Sativa There is like 4 main tups that are doing a huge growth spurt or heat streach, No biggie I can afford some height. Just got done making the gardening round and water everyone from closet to tomatoes. I made a tomatoe garden for coverage but it wasn't a full days of lighting. The frickin tomatoes are like 5 ft tall with no space to even stick a plant. Need some tomatoes ? haha :hump::leaf:
:leaf: BBQ & pool



tomato patch


My peppers I'm trying to grow>:mrgreen:


Some type of flower I'm trying to grow


This stuff here grows like a weed. :leaf:


The Sativa We transplant into a 20 gal trash can. She came out of a 7 gal pot. She will be so happy. Threw out a couple more clones today to see what will happen from the 4th on.:weed:



:bigjoint: TWS
Was nice seein the girls in person. Cool stuff! The grass hoppers beein eating at my leaves so i gotta try to get some neem oil asap!
damn those are nice plants for outside. i hope mine get like that i only have about 1 month of veg left. and are those the ones fed with miracle grow? amazing if they are.
i caught a grasshopper on the sky walker just Sitting on the fan leaf. i murdered him before he could do any damage. fuck they are all over my sun flower so i need to keep the plants on the other side of the yard or cut my monster down.
Was nice seein the girls in person. Cool stuff! The grass hoppers beein eating at my leaves so i gotta try to get some neem oil asap!

Better get on it ! :bigjoint:

damn those are nice plants for outside. i hope mine get like that i only have about 1 month of veg left. and are those the ones fed with miracle grow? amazing if they are.

thanks BHS !:mrgreen: Yes feed with MG, Cal mag(epsom salt) and just started adding some Flora Bloom.:lol:

mmmm........ chocolate covered grasshoppers !
TWS.. hows your schedule lookin this weekend... If ya got time I can come down ur way.. bring ya a couple clones if you still need em.. if not I can just come over to bull shit witcha ... Im pretty much getting out the house as much as possible.. 8 month pregnant wife is like a ticking time bomb lol.
Sounds good! I might be able to use a couple if you think they still have time to get with it outdoors.Gonna go to 12/12 in a week or two in the GR. I have that diesel clone for ya. I might have to work Saturday if it's my weekend to work. I'll let ya know. I'm actually home right now. If I have to work Saturday it's normally only a half day. If not. Sunday for sure!

For some reason my wife seems prego 50% of the time ? :lol: and her tubes are tied. LOL!
Well Im free pretty much till sept 5th lol.. unless she has the baby... Im not sure how they will do outdoors late in the season.. but I'll give ya a couple to try lol? I have too many plants here.. Didnt expect all of them to root .... I sent ya a pm with my number.. just let me know when your free.. Or send me a message on here.. either way. You have AC right? I have NO tolerance for heat and this heat wave is killing me .. I moved down here last year from lake arrowhead area.. and I miss it so bad. Bet its even a little hotter over where you are.
Well Im free pretty much till sept 5th lol.. unless she has the baby... Im not sure how they will do outdoors late in the season.. but I'll give ya a couple to try lol? I have too many plants here.. Didnt expect all of them to root .... I sent ya a pm with my number.. just let me know when your free.. Or send me a message on here.. either way. You have AC right? I have NO tolerance for heat and this heat wave is killing me .. I moved down here last year from lake arrowhead area.. and I miss it so bad. Bet its even a little hotter over where you are.

Yes we have AC.
LOL im so shallow huh .. only wanna be around people with air conditioning .. Ya im a diva JK. Cool let me know when ur free....
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No worries. It was so frickin hot & Humid Sat when goped came over we sat inside for a bit untill it was smoking time and had a few brews outside.:mrgreen: I wouldn't call it a heat wave for the most part. It's Summer time in the damn IE ! lol :lol: August and Semptember could be worst. :fire:
Ya well I spent years in the IE down here.. but got spoiled for 2 years in the mountains.. always 80 in the summer and 60's in the evening.. Now I work in a climate where it is 30 degrees to 20 below zero.. SO I think my heat tolerance is ruined lol.. I start swetting and looking for the ac at anything above 80. Doesnt help I gained 40 lbs since Oct from being on disability... Now im starting to recover I need to get my butt to a gym. How was your 4th?
Hey james when alotta comes down you guys should top by check the girls out maybe we can get together burn a few sip a cold one and talk plants! Really impressed with alotta balls babys! Looking forward to seein yall!
yeah I'm not as tolerante of the heat as I used to be either. Our 4th was great. Nice and mellow with the family and good food. I didn't get to polluted but caught a buzz for sure. Man I think I've done that since Friday . LOL !

Check out Dropstone's BHO out of the 600 club

TWS.... I cant mess with concentrates much ..My tolarence isnt high enough yet.. I would prob go into coma lol. But that looks wonderful! I have soo much trim that I want to make some good hash out of .. but I need to go get some new bubble bags.. Do you have bubble bags TWS?