Couple Of Chicks


Well-Known Member
They have crested the fence so I pulled the tall tops down and out through the fence to try to keep them at fence level. I dug in all the younger plants and looks pretty cool. I kinda have like a vertical scrog going,lol :leaf:



Well-Known Member
i shoulda made me some big cages like those, im only using lil tomatoe cages, and my plants have by far out grew em' lol urs do look similiar to mine, great job bro


Well-Known Member
She's doing good sir.. prob anyday now.. but her sister flew in from texas so .. she is helping alot.. allowing me to get back to my garden.. I have to get my next round going full blown.. just been so damn overwhelmed.. this damn thing never lets me rep you lol.. always tells me to spread the love. Looks like the girls are doing well :)


Well-Known Member
those cages were a great idea, wish i woulda done that. i only used lil tomatoe cages and they're now goin on 7'+


Well-Known Member
Thanks. they were the type of plants that were gonna need support. I'll probably use the bigger wire next time with bigger holes.


Well-Known Member
Good bugs & Plants
Thought I'd just post some pics to keep it interesting.

On the fly !

So the plants really started to grow past the top of the cage. I pulled the main branches thru the fence and did our finish LSTing as the streatch has began

It really opened the center of the plants for a week
untill it filled back in
and we now have new main branches that are below cage height and have room to grow.
We all so trimmed up/off the small lower branches.

The Kiebler elf trunk. Diesel

last needed LST.

Inside the center

I'm really stoked with our smaller plants/not so small.

The bigger ones.



Well-Known Member
I love the good bugs. That blue one is hella cool. I have a lot of the red ones flying around. Big black ones too with wide fat bodies.
The girls are looking lush and lovely man! What a diff a week makes. Effing beautiful man!


Well-Known Member
There seems to be quite a few dragon flies right now. More damn buterrflies then lately though. I have a little wolf spider who wrapped up a top and made his little house. He made it through some serious spraying :peace: I'm hoping he nabs a butterfly !


Well-Known Member
Are butterflies bad for the girls? My son sent me a pic of a wolf spider that is as big as your hand stretched out from pinky to thumb! Hella scary.


Well-Known Member
Butterflies make bud worms. The are like pirahnas and can devour your buds and leave rot behind.
