Couple questions...New Grower...PLEASE HELP

I am growing for the first time outdoor in soil. I am growing on my back porch and i had a few questions. my plants have been growing for about 2 weeks and one is like 5 inches tall and the other 2 are only like 3 inches tall, is this a problem? Also i will be leaving for school on august 17, is there anyway my plants will be done and if not is there anything i can do to save them until i get home in december, i live in ct so it will be too cold to leave them outside.



Active Member
1, you should of planted them in seperate pots, difference in sizes isnt a problem so grow faster and better then others, like how ive been blessed with a huge dong and some poeple aint loool .. And they wont be 'done' BY augsust 17th.. can you not leave them with a frend, or bring em with you?
1, you should of planted them in seperate pots, difference in sizes isnt a problem so grow faster and better then others, like how ive been blessed with a huge dong and some poeple aint loool .. And they wont be 'done' BY augsust 17th.. can you not leave them with a frend, or bring em with you?
Well i think i can have my mom take care of them for me, but will they survive inside in the winter? and if i no i realized that i should have planted them separately after i planted them, should i transplant them or just leave it


Well-Known Member
seperate them now if you're going to.... u want three small not-so-yielding plants? or three big plants? :D


Active Member
Well i think i can have my mom take care of them for me, but will they survive inside in the winter? and if i no i realized that i should have planted them separately after i planted them, should i transplant them or just leave it

LoL your mom... Yes they can survive inside during the winter as long as you got the right set up... lighting, air ect ect ect... Transplant them now if your going to do it, dont leave it later down the line otherwise all the roots will tangle up and shizzle and you will be fooked, you got like over a month to veg it and read up all you can and learn, then you got to pass on this info to your mom,

I reackon your best bet is, get a set up going inside, veg the plant, then a week before you go away put it in 12/12,, try come back to visit the plant near the end of the flowering stage so you can cut it and dry it stick it in a jar and jus tel yo mom to open the jar up 10-20mins a day for a week or 2 leave it curing then when you come back you should have some goood shit ready to smoke. (thats if your mom hasnt smoked it all Lol)


Well-Known Member
Well i think i can have my mom take care of them for me
I fucking LMFAO at this :-?

My mom would have told my dad and both of them would have beat the living shit outta me. Then I would of slept outside for 2 days until someone came (my dad) and told me to go home.

Times have sure changed man. Kids get whatever the fuck they want these days. Am I jealous? You bet your ass I am. But we live and learn and as life goes on good old mom and dad aint gonna be there to hold your hand anymore.

What will you do then? Damnit I was born way too early :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dun live at home.. but if i asked my mom she would trip balls.... but would eventually do it.... cuz i water all her house plants when she goes on vacation... which is like 4-6 times a year.. :P