Couple Questions

Whats up, I was just wondering If it's possible to grow a plant without spending ANY money at all.

Basically, while I'm unemployed I want to take the random seeds i've saved from weed i've bought in the past, and practice and experiment with them, like get some dirt from outside and use tap water and a regular light bulb and just grow these seeds, not to smoke the plant later, but just to get the hang of the basics before I invest any money.

When I get some cash flow I'll hopefully know a little bit about growing so I dont waste anything (^_^) except these free seeds of course...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You aren't going to learn much from that. To be successful you are going to have to spend some money to buy some tools so that you can learn. You are going to have to be able to control the two different light cycles for the two different stages of growth. Unless it is springtime where you live you cannot rely on the sun to grow it outside. If you are going to attempt to grow it inside you are going to have to control the light cycles. Incandescent light bulbs are not much help either unless you are planning to use cfls to grow.


Well-Known Member
You can start a good grow for a bit of funds, to get the plant in my avatar I spent less than $150

There is a book buds for under a $100 by seemorebuds you can find info in the cfl forum stickies

A simple grow can be done cheaply but if you don't spend a few bucks you'll have problems, well hey we have problems anyway, part of learning

Illegal Smile

What you would be learning is how to do it the wrong way. Better to spend your time reading all you can here and learning. You could grow one small plant for an investment of under $100 and probably get a good ounce out of it. And by doing that you would learn things that would serve you well in the future.
Alrighty then, in that case, can anyone tell me the bare minimum of essentials i would need to grow just one plant? Just to try it out until I can get some actual money coming in (^_^) Thanks for the help.

Illegal Smile

Alrighty then, in that case, can anyone tell me the bare minimum of essentials i would need to grow just one plant? Just to try it out until I can get some actual money coming in (^_^) Thanks for the help.
I grow hydro and that would cost more but for soil you would need:

a pot
some good soil
a good seed, pref feminized
3 42w cfls, 1 6500k and 2 2700k
fixtures for the above
some air circulation
a way to keep them totally dark 12 hrs in flower
reasonable ambient environment
a lot of knowledge which is free here


Whats up, I was just wondering If it's possible to grow a plant without spending ANY money at all.
God does it every spring, but it only works if you plan to do it outdoors. There is an awesome HID out there and it's free.


Well-Known Member
I also needed to do a grow I read, read, read some more....then....using a closet. I hung a 2 bulb 4'floro over various beans.....some autos and a variety of others, including bagseed. All grew with 24/0 lighting....for about 6 weeks...then put'em in flower....12/12....Don't overwater.....just watch and read.......
A 4' 2 bulb floros will be 20 bucks.....and that WILL get you some plants....don't overwater.....I've already harvested the autos and the bagseed are gonna give me some nice nugs.....
Go for it, as you'll learn a lot around here and also while watching your grow. TELL NO ONE !


Well-Known Member
Do u have a window with efficient sunlight comming in? Its cold in michigan but theres plenty of sun in my windows. I have seen my uncle start with 2 foot florecents. Then switch to the window, on a coffee table. Be careful on who can see in. He did it every winter. He didnt get much, but he did have a ounce or so. Good luck, smoke well..


my local hydro shop has 2 hps, used lites guaranteed to work for $100 each. Maybe your local would have good deals on used lights? The lights are 250w, bulbs, shroud with internal ballast, etc. ready to go.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Used? I forgot about that! Check ur craigslist. I have sellers all the time with lights. Search Grow Lights, u should find some good ones. I got my first 400w MH for $70. Worth a shot.


Cheapest is out doors. you then have to figure that your grow is exposed. not only to the elements but also many eyes. theft could be a problem. pests will definately be a problem. aphids, scale and other pests like family pets could destroy or damage plants beyond the recovery point.


You can grow cheap and maybe lose to the pests or you can grow less expensive and smart and reap a harvest, although maybe a small harvest. If you lose your plant you end up learing that you have dead plants. if you grow inexpensive, but smart you learn the whole process from seed to harvest. definately a better idea to progress through the whole growing process. A first, inexpensive grow can teach you the the wants and needs of the plant, fert requirements, lighting requirements, space needs and the importance of a good IPM. again, if you lose your plant you have learned what not to do and that it takes a lot of time to regroup your efforts for your next grow, especially when one is financially challenged.
Cracerjax makes a good point. Outdoors could be the cheapest grow, but you should look at the bigger picture as I have made points on.
A good middle of the road prospect would be using a potted plant that you put outside for the sunlight then inside during the night. It would take your diligent attention to light hours and dark hours, but could limit the pest issue.


Crackerjax, it sounds as though you have experience under your belt and would be able to notice and address any issues you might encounter. I'm assuming that Elite has no experience and suggesting things that might help him control a micro-ecosystem so he may grow to learn things. Maybe outside would be a wiser choice for an outside grow. Help me out here. I would hate for Elites grow to go south half way through and him/her get discouraged. Or worse, to learn bad habits. Wouldn't you agree?