Covert newb grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I believe it has something to do with "loss of vigour". Genetically it's all the same, but, the longer a plant lives without dying like it naturally should..... it's kinda like a person getting old. We get all wrinkly, but more to the point, we're not as able to perform as we age, and a dang cold can kill us when it normally should not. Same way with plants, they start to produce less and their 'immune' system degrades, which leads to a higher susceptibility to disease.

That's my opinion/'educated' guess on the matter... although I probably should have researched because I know nothing about it really.

I think that everything just gets worn out after a while and needs to kick the bucket.

(Also, cloning puts a hefty amount of stress on the effected limb, and cloning an already once stressed clone just adds more, and can also lead to hermies I would think.)


Well-Known Member
Hehe thanks for bringing it down to my level. Makes sense. I was going to give a friend a clone of something I got as a clone from someone I'd given some seeds to. Guess this'll be an experiment of our own, think I could get away with it once with little to no adverse reactions?


Well-Known Member
Thread jacking is awesome, especially when it helps me too :D

Quick update:

All is going well, 3 definite females, 4 more plants need to grow a wee bit more to show sex fully, and I found the strongest White widow and moved her off to soil and back to 24 hour lights. Only submitted it to 12/12 for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I am so sorry for not updating, I will message each of you a final chapter of this first grow op when it is done with pictures etc...

I sort of see some serious folly in keeping track of this stuff like I did when I was so excited.

As of right now though we are well into the flowering stage with 3 pretty ladies. All are a decent size approximate 3.5' - 4' with decent side buds because of the side lighting and some mean colas developed.

The first lady "clone two" from earlier is "white shark" with a 6 - 7 week flower so it is about 1.5 weeks from finish. It is living up to its name quite well and is very covered in crystals. Currently some of the white hairs are turning red, I am seriously considering picking this strain up in the future because of the 6-7 week flower. This is a mainly sativa strain I had a problem with my PC and my camera isn't working since but I will try and work it out shortly.

The second plant is doing great also. It is definitely a indica and has some large buds. I am leaving this one for 8 weeks but you can definitely see the crystals however less hairs are red on it. This is just a bag seed.

The third plant which is supposedly a white widow something else cross is doing ok, but I am certainly not nearly as impressed with it as the other 2.

The biggest problems my crop is suffering from at the moment is I need to buy some more nutrients for the hydro setup since mine are incorrect. The other problem is fucking bugs have made these plants their homes for basically the entire grow. I sprayed like crazy before but getting close to harvest not sure how much more bug stuff I want to smoke.

Things are good in general, I should have more than 3 girls right now but I was a newb. That is ok though as there is not any room for more in the closet. I germenated 6 new seeds, 5 made it and are looking perfect. They are safely away from the pest infected plants in order to fix that problem. I will Probably only get 2 girls out of the 5 new babies.

So that is pretty much where I am, I am smoke way too much pot so finally getting some decent quality personal bud to have a stash is very exciting. I will send you guys pictures that followed along in an email since I don't plan on incriminating myself much more :D


Well-Known Member
Nice man, I cant wait to see how she looks when finished. Ill be checking around for when she is done.