Greetings @Rob Roy

I have been watching what you have been up to lately, and it has been good for more than a few chuckles. Cheers good man.

Please be aware that the system your founding fathers did seek to preserve, is actually our system. That’s why we can bring the Magna Carta over here, and parade it around this beautiful country like we own it. Because...we do.

Also, even more important than to have anything at all, is to have the meaning of it.

Yeah, that would explain the 18,699 deaths in the US. :roll:
not 100% of the population would have been exposed to the weaker version to gain the antibodies and immunity for when the main virus eventually reached the West - although i may have to re-think my theory as apparently SARS-CoV-2 is able to infect a person twice. has happened in China, Japan, and now 91+ instances in South Korea.
not 100% of the population would have been exposed to the weaker version to gain the antibodies and immunity for when the main virus eventually reached the West - although i may have to re-think my theory as apparently SARS-CoV-2 is able to infect a person twice. has happened in China, Japan, and now 91+ instances in South Korea.
Why are you formulating conspiracy theories?
more like a logical conclusion if one were to entertain the idea it was man-made. the most likely culprit would be America as they benefit the most, and they've previously shown zero aversion to using chemical weapons on civilians (see: syria)
Well well well, more evidence confirming my theory... There is 3 strains of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and the type most commonly found in Wuhan is the second mutation, Type B. The strain most commonly found in America (and Australia) is Type A, the original/ancestral strain, which is most closely related to the virus found in bats and pangolins. European nations are largely hit by Type C, which is not found in mainland China at all. Type C is most common in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, suggesting it spread to Europe from those countries and not China.
The hardest thing about this pandemic is figuring out who/ which country’s are being honest. And an actual time line on when life might start to get back to normal(which I don’t think life will ever be the same again as pre Covid) also would be nice to know where and what this virus originated from. I have read seen everything from man made to eating a f$@&ing bat.... so who knows lol not even the WHO knows lol
more like a logical conclusion if one were to entertain the idea it was man-made. the most likely culprit would be America as they benefit the most, and they've previously shown zero aversion to using chemical weapons on civilians (see: syria)
"Logical" doesnt mean what they told you it does at Struggleville High, kook.


nice logical fallacy, cool story bro
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I had 2 messages deleted in here. Told " keep it in the politics section" WTF. The whole thread is politics.
Hey mod...this is Canadian politics and the only place on RIU to talk about it. Is someone new here?
more like a logical conclusion if one were to entertain the idea it was man-made. the most likely culprit would be America as they benefit the most, and they've previously shown zero aversion to using chemical weapons on civilians (see: syria)

Or nuclear weapons on innocent women and children. Nagasaki, Hiroshima.