Covid stimulus, 600 hundred bucks but now it's a felony to download Torrents or stream pirated tv. Oh and vape carts and hardware can't be shipped

I'd gladly give up anything I ever worked for and even lay down my own life if it meant a 95 year old cancer patient got 3 more months to live. If we gotta kill small businesses that fine wal mart gets to stay open so we don't even need to worry because we'll get what we deserve. If you're anti Wal Mart you can just use Amazon. If you don't like cooking you can go to Mcdonalds still but to keep a 95 year old alive we must get rid of restaurants that let you sit down. I am totally down with the new normal as long as 95 year old cancer patients get 3 more months.

I'd gladly put my nut sack in your mouth
I'd gladly give up anything I ever worked for and even lay down my own life if it meant a 95 year old cancer patient got 3 more months to live. If we gotta kill small businesses that fine wal mart gets to stay open so we don't even need to worry because we'll get what we deserve. If you're anti Wal Mart you can just use Amazon. If you don't like cooking you can go to Mcdonalds still but to keep a 95 year old alive we must get rid of restaurants that let you sit down. I am totally down with the new normal as long as 95 year old cancer patients get 3 more months.
Exactly what I thought. Lots more like you, you’re in good company. I would probably also gladly lay down your life so a 95 year old with all their wisdom could live another three months instead of what you got could go on decades.
PSSST! Moscow mitch, the republicons, frump and our beloved dems gave big business the equivalent of $30,000 per American citizen. All citizens. Your big $1200 check and bonus, limited availability, unenjoyment.

We got a 5000 page pork barrel anally injected. With mere hours to vote on it after presented.????

$600 is an outright phallus in places it shouldn't be.


I don't condone your rape.

it really was disgusting. Free money for anybody who owned a business. We didn’t have to prove hardship, just show them our pay-roll and free money.
I'm quarantined though. So you can't even be mad at me when I was already compliant with the new regulations. I'll stay home and go to wal- mart instead of filthy small businesses it's not even a big deal. I even put the mask on. I think covid exists. Come on man I'm doing the things and you're still mad about it for no reason. I think we should all get portable carbon filters to carry around just in case we could be doing more to protect ourselves from the filthy super spreaders at wal mart. Do you want some money I'll give you guys some money. whatever it takes i'm down for it as long as i can go to wal mart to buy things. Please don't take my wal mart from me. I will do whatever it takes. I love complying with things. Never saw a line I didn't like always wanted a way to make them longer. Now we got that so at least I got a consolation prize. Plus I'm saving people from covid because I comply with whatever people that are smarter better looking and more successful than me would want me to do to make their lives easier.
You’re hot tub time machine shat you out two decades late.
dumb bitch
it's dumb to not comply with what people who are smarter better looking and more successful than you need you to do. I'm all the way in for this. stop being mad. I stay in my house and I only leave to get groceries at wal mart which I wear a mask to. I've saved more people than you guys. stop being super spreaders.
I like complying. all I have advocated for is complying. I don't get your problematic views of making fun of compliers. I comply do you?
I'm from Japan where the mind set is different, we do what's best for the country and our fellow citizens so there is not a feeling of complying, it's more of a feeling of a duty. And that is why Japan has a few thousand dead and America has 330k dead.
I'm from Japan where the mind set is different, we do what's best for the country and our fellow citizens so there is not a feeling of complying, it's more of a feeling of a duty. And that is why Japan has a few thousand dead and America has 330k dead.
Yeah we should be like Japan. It's my duty to comply with any protocols. I love it. I want more opportunities to do my duty of protocol compliance. I don't get the resistance to what I'm saying because it's what you and the government want me and everyone else to do. I want to do whatever the government has decided we should do so they can do their job and defeat the virus.
Yeah we should be like Japan. It's my duty to comply with any protocols. I love it. I want more opportunities to do my duty of protocol compliance. I don't get the resistance to what I'm saying because it's what you and the government want me and everyone else to do. I want to do whatever the government has decided we should do so they can do their job and defeat the virus.
Really? Awesome. :eyesmoke:
Yeah we should be like Japan. It's my duty to comply with any protocols. I love it. I want more opportunities to do my duty of protocol compliance. I don't get the resistance to what I'm saying because it's what you and the government want me and everyone else to do. I want to do whatever the government has decided we should do so they can do their job and defeat the virus.
Even better is to follow those protocols and not overload our hospitals costing our society far more as we all get stuck with that bill and taking far longer to overcome this virus as a society.
Yeah we should be like Japan. It's my duty to comply with any protocols. I love it. I want more opportunities to do my duty of protocol compliance. I don't get the resistance to what I'm saying because it's what you and the government want me and everyone else to do. I want to do whatever the government has decided we should do so they can do their job and defeat the virus.
Welcome new sock puppet! What was the name of your account that was banned?
Welcome new sock puppet! What was the name of your account that was banned?
Thrifty mum shows how to make a face mask from an old sock in just one  minute with NO sewing

wear your mask
Yeah we should be like Japan. It's my duty to comply with any protocols. I love it. I want more opportunities to do my duty of protocol compliance. I don't get the resistance to what I'm saying because it's what you and the government want me and everyone else to do. I want to do whatever the government has decided we should do so they can do their job and defeat the virus.

Again, a few thousand dead or close to half a million dead when it's all said and done. Americans are so hung up on their "freedom." And people like you will never get it unless somebody in your immediate family dies, then it's too late. But yeah, sometimes it is best just to do what you are told.
Again, a few thousand dead or close to half a million dead when it's all said and done. Americans are so hung up on their "freedom." And people like you will never get it unless somebody in your immediate family dies, then it's too late. But yeah, sometimes it is best just to do what you are told.
it's always best to do what you're told. It makes life easier for those that are smarter better looking and more successful. Just look at the numbers sure you may or may not have taken a hit and be looking at getting evicted shortly but Wal-mart made tons of money so it's really a wash when you put it onto a graph.
it's always best to do what you're told. It makes life easier for those that are smarter better looking and more successful. Just look at the numbers sure you may or may not have taken a hit and be looking at getting evicted shortly but Wal-mart made tons of money so it's really a wash when you put it onto a graph.
God you're an INCEL aren't you?
it's always best to do what you're told. It makes life easier for those that are smarter better looking and more successful. Just look at the numbers sure you may or may not have taken a hit and be looking at getting evicted shortly but Wal-mart made tons of money so it's really a wash when you put it onto a graph.

What's the matter? You don't like having to sacrifice? Would you like a tissue?