Cow Manure ?


Well-Known Member
I just bought 16 cuft of cow manure from a distributor out of Utah. (This stuff is very rich and smells great! Very nicely composted)I contacted them to get some info on it and they've yet to contact me back.

Can anyone tell me if I should be worried about hormones and antibiotics found in the dairy/beef industry?

I didn't think about it until I got home and ripped open a bag. I'm not too worried as it will all be processed through a worm bin. Just curious..
I just bought 16 cuft of cow manure from a distributor out of Utah. (This stuff is very rich and smells great! Very nicely composted)I contacted them to get some info on it and they've yet to contact me back.

Can anyone tell me if I should be worried about hormones and antibiotics found in the dairy/beef industry?

I didn't think about it until I got home and ripped open a bag. I'm not too worried as it will all be processed through a worm bin. Just curious..
who's to say without a lot of extensive testing, but there are concerns with that.
an off topic but similar subject would be all the concerns from the birthcontrol female hormones being introduced into the sewer system and then being "treated" but still containing residual amounts.
Considering the "treatment" is sorta similar to a composting procedure, I imagine and speculate that the hormones may still be present.
Now as to whether or not the plant can absorb them is another story.
I just bought 16 cuft of cow manure from a distributor out of Utah. (This stuff is very rich and smells great! Very nicely composted)I contacted them to get some info on it and they've yet to contact me back.

Can anyone tell me if I should be worried about hormones and antibiotics found in the dairy/beef industry?

I didn't think about it until I got home and ripped open a bag. I'm not too worried as it will all be processed through a worm bin. Just curious..

Running them through the worm bin is a good idea, BUT there is a possibility that it could be detrimental to the worms if the cows were fed any type of de-worming medicine. I wiped out an entire bin by using composted cow manure that contained some type of de-wormer.
Running them through the worm bin is a good idea, BUT there is a possibility that it could be detrimental to the worms if the cows were fed any type of de-worming medicine. I wiped out an entire bin by using composted cow manure that contained some type of de-wormer.

This is exactly what I was thinking. Way too many cautions to take when dealing with cattle. I'm definitely not running it through the bin.

I'm in the Midwest and it's so hard to find anything worth using for a decent price. I guess I'll have to pay way too much for the buffalo compost. Lol

Thank you guys, appreciate all the help.
This is a tough one. Grease and st0w make some good points there. I use manure in my soil mix, in the worm bin and in the compost pile but i know the source and the cows are 100% organically raised. No hormones or antibiotics or anything. I would wait to hear back from the supplier.
This is a tough one. Grease and st0w make some good points there. I use manure in my soil mix, in the worm bin and in the compost pile but i know the source and the cows are 100% organically raised. No hormones or antibiotics or anything. I would wait to hear back from the supplier.
realistically i'd say it's probably fine, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
But I don't KNOW that to be true...
I use a composted horse manure in all of my mixes. These horses are fed a very rich diet, and are dewormed with ivermectin. I have never seen any adverse effects on my worm populations, but I feel that this is because I allow the compost to age for a number of years before it is used.
I grow in strict Horse compost..have for years..outdoors..the farm I get it from gives me the test report from UMASS ..he composts it for 2 years before selling...stuff is like jack in the beanstalk food...I do ammend the compost is loaded with worms when I get it..I have gotten 15 yards in the last 2 years...he is in the process now to get a grant to make a barn heater that works off the heat of the manure composting..this stuff is very rich and well composted..he turns it outdoor plants have never looked this good...and the soil PH stays at 6.8 thru out the grow...

he boards 30 horses so there is plenty...
Since we are on the subject of cow manure. I was gifted with about 5 yards of 100% locally grass fed cow manure that's been aged for 2 plus years. The manure is pretty much soft and airy with no smell. My question is..I need a simple outdoor soil recipes for my girls next year. Any leads is greatly appreciated.

BTW. Im not high jacking your post. I just assume you already got your answer? If not, my apologies. Thanks
All good man, you lucked out as I can't find anything around here of that quality. The closest thing I've found is Buffaloam which is 65$ a cu ft. :wall:

Here's a simple mix that should keep your ladies happy

1/3 peat moss
1/3 horse manure
1/3 pumice/lavarock

To that add:
1/2 cup crab meal per cu ft
1/2 cup kelp meal per cu ft
1/2 cup neem meal per cu ft

Then add your minerals:
1/2 cup gypsum per cu ft
1/2 cup oyster shell flower per cuft
2 cups basalt/ glacial rock dust per cu ft

Watch them reach for the sky
All good man, you lucked out as I can't find anything around here of that quality. The closest thing I've found is Buffaloam which is 65$ a cu ft. :wall:

Here's a simple mix that should keep your ladies happy

1/3 peat moss
1/3 horse manure
1/3 pumice/lavarock

To that add:
1/2 cup crab meal per cu ft
1/2 cup kelp meal per cu ft
1/2 cup neem meal per cu ft

Then add your minerals:
1/2 cup gypsum per cu ft
1/2 cup oyster shell flower per cuft
2 cups basalt/ glacial rock dust per cu ft

Watch them reach for the sky
U said your in the Midwest? I'm in the buckeye state. I can book u up with manure if u around that way.:-P
Since we are on the subject of cow manure. I was gifted with about 5 yards of 100% locally grass fed cow manure that's been aged for 2 plus years. The manure is pretty much soft and airy with no smell. My question is..I need a simple outdoor soil recipes for my girls next year. Any leads is greatly appreciated.

BTW. Im not high jacking your post. I just assume you already got your answer? If not, my apologies. Thanks
Cow manure is heavy and dries hard so if you mix it 3 parts manure 1 part perlite and 1 part light mix 3/1/1 ratio you should be good. I did 2/1/1 and amended with some other stuff this year. you should be fine with the 3/1/1 just have patience the first few minutes when you water. I know people that grow in pure manure it takes longer to soak up water. Fungus gnats like it. Look at my signature that's all cow manure. I'm about to post a couple pics in that thread.
Cow manure is heavy and dries hard so if you mix it 3 parts manure 1 part perlite and 1 part light mix 3/1/1 ratio you should be good. I did 2/1/1 and amended with some other stuff this year. you should be fine with the 3/1/1 just have patience the first few minutes when you water. I know people that grow in pure manure it takes longer to soak up water. Fungus gnats like it. Look at my signature that's all cow manure. I'm about to post a couple pics in that thread.
Nice. Thanks Dr.Peck. this cow manure sat so long, its like soft black sand. I can grab it with my bare hands and it will crumble so easy. Good stuff. Thanks for the advice.
Can't wait for next years outdoor I'm guna get off my lazy ass and make some soil myself I'm getting so sick of getting fucked up batches of what's suppose to be top grade bag soil .......pisses me off big time pay all the money and get shit in return .....wait actually I would like some shit in this case lol lol .....anyway I have several horse and cattle ranches cattle are grass fed horses are grain and pasture fed also I've just never tried to do it gotta lot to learn between now and then to mix up my own stuff sounds like .......I have access to all kinds of different manure I just gotta research on how to get it usable .....sounds interesting though and I know it works great
Nice. Thanks Dr.Peck. this cow manure sat so long, its like soft black sand. I can grab it with my bare hands and it will crumble so easy. Good stuff. Thanks for the advice.
It sounds too far gone. You want it like clay. I know people that grow in green manure but they add lime. Composted doesn't need lime. That's very important to keep in mind. And it's Dr. Pecker
Nice. Thanks Dr.Peck. this cow manure sat so long, its like soft black sand. I can grab it with my bare hands and it will crumble so easy. Good stuff. Thanks for the advice.
Grass fed. Good to go but like Dr.Pecker said about additives like Perlite. Manure is a great source for nitrogen, most of which has likely left your load after 2 years. Otherwise it's nutrient value is very limited. It's most beneficial aspect at this point is as humus.
Sort of, I'd like one of those infamous Ohio cuts..

I had the lemon g but tossed it

I'd like to try the dumpster and death star
What is the deal with Ohio bud?! Is it just One grower up there? Near Cincinnati or Cleveland? Or is it a group of growers? Did he they Really create some crazy strains!? You all will be begging for the North Carolina cuts soon! Hahaha just kidding!
What is the deal with Ohio bud?! Is it just One grower up there? Near Cincinnati or Cleveland? Or is it a group of growers? Did he they Really create some crazy strains!? You all will be begging for the North Carolina cuts soon! Hahaha just kidding!
The bad thing about Ohio is grower is they are like ninjas. You can't find them, and if you do..their clones look malnourished. Not all Ohio grower, but the ones that I ran into. If anyone in Ohio have that deathstar clones, please hit me up. I am really interested. P.S. I'm not knocking on Ohio, I myself is from Ohio.bongsmilie
O How I hate Ohio state!



GULP......I even like the U of M over use guys.......LOL

Jus fun'in
