Cows ate my weed

View attachment 4395442
I believe where she went into my neighbors fenced area...she pushed this down. I picked these posts up and there was no sign of them being there awhile..they wernt sunk in and looked fresh.
I rigged them up to hold up the fence. Ill throw some t posts up tonight to hold it up a bit better then this jankyness. I had no tools on me at the time soo it will do till i get back overView attachment 4395444

ah ok, you know you could still setup that electric fence i could prolly even use the orginal fence posts.....put it about knickers won't have that problem anymore.....just saying...
If i put up a fence it has to be wildlife friendly. Electric is allowed i believe near roads. But if i do the fence on the remaining side it will cost a good penny. T posts are $5 a pc and i need 300 of them. Then 3 wires arcoss . Anything else would be inaducuate and if they pushed it over and not a lawful type fence im still fked
That’s like half a mile of fence?
View attachment 4395442
I believe where she went into my neighbors fenced area...she pushed this down. I picked these posts up and there was no sign of them being there awhile..they wernt sunk in and looked fresh.
I rigged them up to hold up the fence. Ill throw some t posts up tonight to hold it up a bit better then this jankyness. I had no tools on me at the time soo it will do till i get back overView attachment 4395444
Good job
Omg i was relookin at that pic..that IS NOT bull horns on the front there is it? Looks like a donger.
Bull horns on push bar would be cool af. I might start a crazy lady theme out there. Im still fairly new (5 yrs). No one knows me much could be fun! Muahaha
Ok update. Cow and calf may have found their way back to the shitty neighbors house..i am guessing the brand inspector gave her a good talking to bc she was over there everyday for 4 days. But no sign of the neighbors for 2 days now. I will assume its going to be the same problem as its been for 5 yrs of not watering these moo's so they will escape again with their shotty fence rigging.
So...a buddy of mine talked to the the BI says i can grab up the cows. Good ol boy talking to a good ol boy= success. Now i guess i wont be thrown in jail for cattle theft. ::: hard eye roll:::
Seems now i have the same rights as others by law..:: another eye roll::: I was also told if I harm the cows in anyway during capture I have to pay the vet bill. But me if i get hurt trying to do their job lmao. Gtfoh! If these fkers come over here..Im charging $5k for capture and transport to their new facility. Fuck em all to hell