cph's next journal


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3957826]lol same here, she is such a beauty[/QUOTE]

Between that, and the fluro covered ceiling!:cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Glad you like her! I'm not sure if I can keep up with her. It's been about 2 weeks and the clones are just starting to root, so at least 1 week until they'll be ready for dirt. Is it normal for a older mother's clones to take longer? My brother will probably adopt 10 more of this batch. All the ones he got last time took and are vegging happily. :)


Well-Known Member
Dunno, I always hear the debate of, older mothers losing their vigor. This may be a xase of it. Might wanna take a clone of a clone. See how long the 'fresh' ones take???


Well-Known Member
How's things going there C? :weed:

Swinging by to visit but looks kind of slow around here.

Hope you are doing good. :leaf:

Gotta go ya know.....lol


Well-Known Member
How's things going there C? :weed:

Swinging by to visit but looks kind of slow around here.

Hope you are doing good. :leaf:

Gotta go ya know.....lol
All's well slab! Thanks for the visit.

I can finally get on from home, had to break down and pay for it myself.:-P

I'll have an update tonight.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Here we go!! I'm going too try to get another journal started, the seeds that'll be started in the next week will mark a new stage in the grow. I'm perpetual but still working on the schedule. A few came down a week and a half ago, and the big one will be done by the end of the week.

Here's some pics!

Starting with the newest addition to the flower room. A vented hood!! Makes a huge difference, once the temps around here started to get past 50 during the day the flower room was getting to warm, 90+ with the door closed. With the hood it stays in the mid 70s!:clap:

The fan is a 150 CFM, and more than enough. It sucks the door closed!:hump:

This is the one coming down by the end of the week. The best I can figure she is somewhere between 53-56 days. Getting a little to heavy for her own good. I'm expecting good things from this harvest! She got a little burnt early on but I think things are finally under control.

Besides her I have 12 other plants flowering. They've all were vegged to around 10" and are in 1 gal pots. They range from less than a week to around 5 weeks. I'll be rearranging the room a little to accommodate more plants in the coming days.

Finally we come to mom. She's getting to big for her 5 gal pot. I could probably take 50 clones from right now, just don't have room for that many. I also have 8 plants that came out of the cloner a little over a week ago. That's why I need to make more room in the flower room after the big girl comes down.




Well-Known Member
She's very nice to look at. I just need to figure out how I'm going to deal with her. I need to take twice as many clones as I can right now. Time for more tubs! I've been getting rid of more clones than I've kept from the last 2 batches. Sure hope my brother has room for more under his 1000w. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the visits guy!!

I have the room, just not the light to flower her. Only half the flower room is being used because 1 600w isn't enough. I'm going to try to find a way to take enough clones to keep her under control. I wish I could put her outside! I've even thought about letting a friend, who I know will take good care of her, flower her outside. We'll have to wait and see what happens.:bigjoint:

I couldn't find it this morning but last night I found a thread that said the journal section will be closed down and all journals must be in blog form. Hopefully I'll be able to close this out with harvest pics from the big girl that's almost done. I took 1 branch from her last night, but the rest probably won't be ready until the end of the week.:peace:


Well-Known Member
ya i heard the mods are gonna let everyone finish theri current journals and thenafter they are done we have to do our own grows in our blog on our own page, and i dont like it at al