cph's next journal


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3413225]They will do just fine, my RIU is acting weird, i cant see your new pics :(

hopefully tomorrow it will straiten out :neutral:[/QUOTE]

I think the problem was my riu fukn up. The attachments went away hopefully it's better now. I really hope they figure out these problems soon.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Did you ever top PJ? For a clone cutting I mean? Those are usually the strongest clones to root and develop. Great pictures, show us more.

catch you later


Well-Known Member
Did you ever top PJ? For a clone cutting I mean? Those are usually the strongest clones to root and develop. Great pictures, show us more.

catch you later
Not yet, I'll probably take more Sat night or Sun. It's been a hectic couple of days. I took yesterday off work to get some stuff around the house done. It's our turn to host Thanksgiving dinner. Plus the kid is sick.:spew:

I should have an update tonight.:weed:


Well-Known Member
alright. Good luck on the little one.

I picked up some Clonex gel and rapid rooters and actually found a couple of bags of ffof. I'm about ready to try my hand at a new run of Violator Kush. hmmm yummy lol but then again I've got a few other strains to try out also. ha

I'm still pulling for the PJ. It's already showing her stuff.

catch you later :leaf:


Well-Known Member
alright. Good luck on the little one.

I picked up some Clonex gel and rapid rooters and actually found a couple of bags of ffof. I'm about ready to try my hand at a new run of Violator Kush. hmmm yummy lol but then again I've got a few other strains to try out also. ha

I'm still pulling for the PJ. It's already showing her stuff.

catch you later :leaf:
Nice. Sounds like you've got a winter project going too!!:bigjoint:

First the MN. The one on the left seems to be doing better. Not that it doing good, just better.

RIU is acting funny let's see what happens



Well-Known Member
The're giving me a hard time with my attachments. I hope this takes.

They were pretty thirsty tonight, so they got a good watering and a heavy feeding. First the PJ then the WW.

The WW was very thirsty!!:dunce:

There really are little hairs, can you see them?

Clones in a minute.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Man those MN's are such fucked up little stunted shitters... but I love 'em haha!
Thanks for keeping them going mate.
If you had changed there surrounding soil they'd be doing better, but....

Everything else looks cool ;)

I recommend coco at some stage... it's the new soil :lol:


Well-Known Member
They do kind of grow on ya.:bigjoint:

I'm planning to get them changed to coco tomorrow. I've been watching them, waiting to see if they'll show their sex. 1 appears to be a girl, but the other is not showing anything. Thanks for your thoughts!!

Man those MN's are such fucked up little stunted shitters... but I love 'em haha!
Thanks for keeping them going mate.
If you had changed there surrounding soil they'd be doing better, but....

Everything else looks cool ;)

I recommend coco at some stage... it's the new soil :lol:
TLD!! Welcome, it's a pleaseure to have you!!:mrgreen:

very nice..... scribed..... :D


Well-Known Member
the twisted sisters look like they still be progressing .... however funky it might be. The others are budding princesses for sure ... great work man .... excellent updates!! thanks!


Well-Known Member
They're growing at very steady rate. Just as tall as the other 2. Last night while watering I removed most of the fan leafs, they had dried and fallen off. If everything goes right tomorrow we'll do a transplant, and see if we can make them a little happier.

Thanks for the visit!!


Well-Known Member
ur very welcome ... I''ll be looking in to see their progress after the transplant ... might be just the thing .... good luck and much positive energy your way.


Well-Known Member
ur very welcome ... I''ll be looking in to see their progress after the transplant ... might be just the thing .... good luck and much positive energy your way.
Mmmm vibes!! Thanks!!

Random pics of the girls......



The clones are happy and were updated in my bubble head thread.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I got 2 coco grow bags and some Superthrive from the garden shop. I hope this works.

This coco is some weird stuff. I didn't think there was anyway it could suck up a gal of water. But it did!

One bag already had drain holes in it.:? So after I dumped about a qt of water, it went in a bucket.

All the water is gone and the bag is full!!

Here they are before the move.

The roots looked good, IMO a very strong root system.

The dirt was in pretty good shape from what I could tell. There were no odd smells or funky areas. It was pretty dry for being watered just 2 days ago.

Lots of roots...

Now clean...

I saved as much as I could.

Same thing with the other...

Finished with the move...




Well-Known Member
Freaking GREAT update ... superb photos.... and looks like the twisted.sisters might just liike that afterall huh? And just in Time for Christmas?!



Well-Known Member
That coco comes with the grow bags huh? I've heard alot about it so I'm curious to see how it works for you.