Crack Cocaine- Broke, Cant Relax, Paranoia Distorts My Mind, I NEED SOME MORE...?


Well-Known Member
I think the major problem with it being illegal (concerning addiction rates), is that it's something that non-users rarely see the use of it, esipicaly not kids . So people just know someone has problems and not seeing why and connecting the 2 issues.
If it were legal it would be more out in the open to a certan extent and people would actually see the first hand damage that it can cause

When I was doing it (iv) the only thing that stoped me was a H habit eating away all my money and time

Leaglize it all


Ursus marijanus
i know you're being sarcastic kinetic, but say walmart would start selling meth.. would you really go out and buy meth from walmart just because it was legal? how about some walmart smack? you gonna start shooting up just because you can get it from wallyworld?

drugs are always going to be around, and the people who want to try and use such drugs don't stop simply because they're legal or not.. if someone wants to do heroin, they can surely find it, and if someone doesn't want to do heroin or meth or coke, having it for sale at walmart isn't going to make them try it..
Some Equate™ speedball in the blister pack ... 5 mg diamorphine base and 50 mg cocaine puriss. per compressed tab ... eeyahooo!

That idea rates right up there with a pole dancer named Fissure Price.