
welp where i live it breaks like this...40-60oz 140-180-qp an 400-500 pound thats for decent mersh...if you want the kind it's probly the same price as the rest of yours...also a 22 on the street down here could cost you only 50bucks i know i had gotten 2 when i was 17...
well, if it was crystal meth you should have flushed it. the crack was bad but meth is straight up the devils drug.
No... not really, I didnt need a gun to be down before, I just got it for protection, you know like house intruders trying to come up on my plants.
lol this threads crazy even if i saw that crystal meth or what ever it is i would be to afraid to pick that shit up! wow i dont know this story seems sketchy......sketchy is a weird
so someone tries to rob your plants, you shoot them, the cops come........wait a minute. lost me.
thats assuming that you have neighboors and people to hear a gun shot, where im at no one is coming to your rescue when you try to get my shit
OMG Crystal meth sells for like $2400 an oz so he should have only gotten a pound of og kush for how much he had of meth but what ever i dont care
thats assuming that you have neighboors and people to hear a gun shot, where im at no one is coming to your rescue when you try to get my shit

yea but thats a two way bridge ma-man

I mean what if he successfully sneaks up on you when your smokin a dube watching bugs bunny cartoons:mrgreen:

no one is coming to your rescue :roll:
Yea, if you really got about that three ounces, keep that shit down cause your looking at some serious fuckin time. I knew a kid, on a first name basis, who fucked with selling crack. got pulled over one day, ended up that he had about 5 grams on crack on him, and he's still in jail. And if a fiend finds out that you have a couple O's, don't answer the door late at night unless your expecting a visitor.
theres alot of people here that know alot about crack,umm is that a bad thing i think so,no wounder theres such a large death rate in the states with dicks with guns thinking there hard and great get a life!!!!!!!!!!!
cockeye you are spot on mate why do we need guns when we have got big ones in are pants