Cracked seeds but tap root is not growing

Hey guys,

i hope you can help me with a problem i have with my seeds ...

I just received some mixed seeds, i really dont know what strains and what quality they're, but i guess they're more or less crappy seeds. Anyway i wanted to germinate some of them, cause i planned to start my first grow this summer.

So i took a seed and placed it between two wet paper towels and put it on top of my heater. One or two days passed and the seed finally cracked and showed a little tap root - but that's all ! The little root isn't growing at all, only the seed seems to crack up a little more.
The seed's on the heater now for about 5 days, yesterday i threw another seed in and it also cracked today, but the root doesn't seem to grow either.

Well, now my question; should i wait some more days and hope that the root will grow ?
Or should i already put the seed in a jiffy ?

I tried to take some pics, maybe you can see what i mean !?



Well-Known Member
sounds like you've got a batch of duds, I hope they were free, I'd move on. Get decent seeds elswhere.


Same thing happened to me multiple times. I tried old seeds, free seeds, nirvana seeds. It seems that if the seed pops and the root won't grow move on. I have one white widow that has been trying to grow for two weeks and it still just shows the cotyledon (first two leaves) and it is struggling in the humidity dome. I have a dozen or so germinating on one level or another. I recently tried a method where I took two seeds that popped but no root growth, placed them in a jiffy pellet with a small amount of rooting hormone powder, and have them in a ward dark place. Update to follow.
frmrboi: Well, that's possible, i received them as a free gift ... i'll look for some quality seeds soon, thanks !

punkrocker292004: Yeah, they both have a taproot, but it's not getting larger :S

rjl: Damn, sounds like that's a real problem ... what method do you use to germinate ?

Thanks all for the fast help, really appreciate that :)


Well-Known Member
What type of "heater" do you mean? It sounds like you may have fried the root by keeping them too hot. As soon as that taproot showed you should have put them in soil or whatever you plan on growing in. Warmth is good to start beans, but "heat" will kill them. Obviously, if the seed sprouted a root, it's good.
Sorry if i used the wrong word, i'm german :roll:
I meant to say "heizung", i think radiator fits better ...

Well, i didn't turn it to the max, i don't think the seeds were grilled or something :mrgreen:
So you think i should put them in the jiffys already ? And do they still need a warm place oder is room temperature enough for them ?

Thanks :peace:


Active Member
might be that the roots are getting too much light roots dont like the light pop em in some soil and see what happens staring at them in a paper towel wont make em grow
They're not getting any light, i put the paper towels between two plates.

But it seems that the first seed was just a dud like frmrboi said, the second seed is getting a nice little growing root :clap: