CRAFT GROWERS them long LP shwags!!

Show me someone in southwestern Ontario who grows 20+ lights and isn’t spraying for spider mites and a list of other issues. I’ve met a half dozen that spray organic, the rest....

If you grow from seed you can not have mites for ever. I took clones from my 6 foot outdoors put them indoors in the summer and did not have any mites nor spray anything. Then again, I have a huge rock I painted to look like the worst kind of Lady Bug. That might have helped, who can say really.
naww....not my style...I just share...;))

there are 3 rules in my house....if you can't laugh...fuck you can't help....fuck off...if you can't share.....fuck off....simple shit....oh...and never leave the seat may think its a toilet...the dog and 3 cats think its a water kill me sometimes


Then they puke all over your carpet. :) Good rules ;)
Praxair? I have uncontrollable priaprisms but usually it is from imbibing the hash :-)
I thought I phoned them and was told no. Icall most of the welding sales shops. They all seemed to be owned by another one for some reason.
It's quite embarrassing to walk around with priapism 23 hrs and 53 min a day. Especially considering I work at a sheep farm.
I thought I phoned them and was told no. Icall most of the welding sales shops. They all seemed to be owned by another one for some reason.
It's quite embarrassing to walk around with priapism 23 hrs and 53 min a day. Especially considering I work at a sheep farm.

Shit and I thought my work at the whore house was hard (pun intended).

Anyways they can hook you up, 2$ a pound.
Shit and I thought my work at the whore house was hard (pun intended).

Anyways they can hook you up, 2$ a pound.
About how big is a pound of it. I guess it's sold in chunks and pellets .Pretty sure Praxair said nope..not sure now though really.
I see on praxairs site they sell will the store have it...I think that was the issue last time. Anyway I'll call anyway.
You say I am using it for a fog machine if they ask :D
any place that sell fog machines has dry ice for sale ;)
Any place that sell movie EFFECTS sells dry ice
Any fish market will sell you dry ice
a few pounds will only last so long though and keeping it in your freezer wont help :lol: