Active Member
Crap my neighbors are hiring a pest control guy cause they think a skunk is under the house... conincedently I happened to harvest half my mini SOG of sour D a few nights before. Well the place where this grow is located and was (stress the was) being dried apparently there are a bunch of ventilation isssues through the vents under the house to the other side of the duplex... I turned my heater on for the rest of the rooms last night as I've done at night for the last several nights... well apparently my forced air heating system forces air around from under the house and forced the smell of dank dank dank sour D over to my neighbors. If this little story isn't enough warning about being careful during all stages of growth take this into account. It's barely over an OZ in there and the neighbors can still smell what they think to be a skunk under the house... a little good dank can stink a LONG way especially after you start the drying process...