

Well-Known Member
is what I said when I removed the paper netting around the peat pellet on my just sprouted AutoFlower Lemon Skunk. As I incredibly carefully, nursed and cut away the netting like a surgeon from the peat pellet. Little did I know the rap root had already nestled its little head into the netting. Upon removal I noticed about 1/2mm of tap rout jammed in the netting and the severed root just poking out the bottom of the pellet.

Please tell me..... is the seedling going to die. Or can it recover? Should I buy some rooting agent to help it recover.
Probably if you used rooting agent that would help. Would also depend on how big the sprout is. Hope that helps that's really the only sturdy views I have on this. So why bullshit you right?


Well-Known Member
It is young like three days old. It has those first two leaves it comes out with and then 2 normal leaves that are just starting off.
It is young like three days old. It has those first two leaves it comes out with and then 2 normal leaves that are just starting off.

I would build a pop bottle humidity tent. and stick it in there. keep misting it when it gets dry, becasue that way it will keep itself alive while it tries to re root. im sure if you did this you would probably have 80% chance on it living. well depending on how bad the root was damaged

(didnt think of the pop bottle tent on my first post lol)


Well-Known Member
Well I have it in a humidity dome so we shall see...... I hope it pulls through, It's just too young to die.