Crappy Plants : [

Ok so my plants are looking bad. The question is.. Is there hope? or should I scrap this and start in better soil with better nutrients?

Symptoms: Stunted Growth. Some leaves are yellowing and curling up. Some leaves are discolored with dark green veins.

Light: They were under 2 flourescent tubes for the first couple weeks of their life. (These are seriously like a month old and they're still so tiny.) For the past week, I've had them under a 400 watt hps light with 2 compact flourescents.

Soil: Expert Gardener Potting Soil .07-.01-.03 Feeds up to 9 months. (i know slow release = bad)

Fertilizer: Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food 24-8-16 (instantly feeds). I used half the recommended dose on 10/5 (about a week and a half ago). I don't know how often to put it in the plants though.

Ph: I water the plants with water that has a ph level between 6 & 7

I've posted a pic of each plant. Should I scrap these and start new? I bought Fox Farm Ocean Forest Potting Soil for the next batch of plants. & I am going to buy Fox Farm nutrients to go with it.


Fatty Nugs

Active Member
Are you PHing the water after you add the Nuts? Or before? Do your PHing after you add all the nuts your going to add to the water.

Fatty Nugs

Active Member
your girls look very young too. so i would cut the nuts in half of what it says on the bottle. and keep that soil on the damp side. not wet but dampish


Well-Known Member
I would just start over with your new fox farms stuff, miracle gro does no miracles that I've ever seen.. how is your circulation? are you getting fresh air? also what is your Photoperiod 24/0?


Well-Known Member
your girls look very young too. so i would cut the nuts in half of what it says on the bottle. and keep that soil on the damp side. not wet but dampish
they are a month old he says they are stunted and he did use half strength nutes, some start adding nutes at three weeks in 1/4 strength doses as for frequency go with the schedule on the bottle some ppl on here say every watering others say every other, some just say once a week but what if you only water once a week right? just follow the schedule on your bottle of nutes and adjust if needed

Fatty Nugs

Active Member
they look like they just popped not to long ago from seed. very crucial time for them, they need to be babyed and in a plastic dome of some sort to retain moisture and humidity , with a hole poked in on top. make the Nut solution (Nuts into water not water into nuts) and feed everytime you water with the pre-made Nut/Water to a PH of 5 (cause they look very young)
your girls look very young too. so i would cut the nuts in half of what it says on the bottle. and keep that soil on the damp side. not wet but dampish
Yeah I'm using half the recommended dose of what it says. I just don't know how many times a week to use it. & i'm PHing the water after the plant food is added. I don't think ph is the problem. but who knows
I would just start over with your new fox farms stuff, miracle gro does no miracles that I've ever seen.. how is your circulation? are you getting fresh air? also what is your Photoperiod 24/0?
lol I'm sure it doesn't do any miracles like the name says. They're in light 24/7. They are kept in a closet with the door open & a fan blowing air in from outside the closet. I'm keeping them at a good humidity & temperature.


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like your doing the right things other than your soil and nutes. honestly it looks like a deficiency more than anything look up the thread diagnosing your sick plants, to me it looks like a phosphorus or magnesium deficiency try putting a teaspoons on epsom salts in with a gallon of water and 1/4 strength nutes on your next water and get those fox farms nutes asap. btw how often do you water?