

Well-Known Member
I recently got my bikes tuned up for the summer, and I've been riding my ebike every dry day we've had (there haven't been many). Got a new super bright light for night riding, so I've even been staying out past dark. My bike can do over 60 miles as I purchased the largest battery pack they make, so I decided to go to parts of the city I've never been. I had some kickass little adventures, and even stopped by my buddy's club before heading down near the lake. I found a little cement path right down at the water's edge and was having an amazing, scenic ride in the evening sun. I stopped for a cigarette and a couple hits from my glass one-hitter, then got on my bike and started a slow u-turn. which required going over a patch of wet ground. My bike flipped out from under me, I hit the ground and slid toward the water. The back end of my bike went in, and I went in up to the waist trying to save my expensive bike. Just then three guys were there helping me: the big one lifted my heavy bike out alone, and the other two lifted me right out of the water. Apparently, water splashes onto that patch so often, a nice coating of slimy algae had developed. Everyone kept asking if I was okay, and one guy pointed out that my derailer was fucked up. He happened to work in a bike store, and fixed it up great and put the chain on. As I was gathering myself, I noticed the front of my calf near the shin, it was bleeding and the muscle swelled up like a tennis ball. It looked like something was broken, but I could feel my bones were fine. It didn't even hurt it that point, but I thought I'd better head home before it started. I thought there was no way my bike's electronics would work, but they did! Everything on the bike looks great, amazing. Got home, cleaned myself up and tied ice packs to my calf and ankle (that swelled up, too). They already look and feel better. I poured a glass of single malt, took a couple aspirin, and smoked a big bowl of Trainwreck. Now, I'm sitting here contemplating how great people can be. I'm usually so down on them, but they did not hesitate to save my ass today. I'm feeling fine, life is good...
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I recently got my bikes tuned up for the summer, and I've been riding my ebike every dry day we've had (there haven't been many). Got a new super bright light for night riding, so I've even been staying out past dark. My bike can do over 60 miles as I purchased the largest battery pack they make, so I decided to go to parts of the city I've never been. I had some kickass little adventures, and even stopped my my buddy's club before heading down near the lake. I found a little cement path right down at the water's edge and was having an amazing, scenic ride in the evening sun. I stopped for a cigarette and a couple hits from my glass one-hitter, then got on my bike and started a slow u-turn. which required going over a patch of wet ground. My bike flipped out from under me, I hit the ground and slid toward the water. The back end of my bike went in, and I went in up to the waist trying to save my expensive bike. Just then three guys were there helping me: the big one lifted my heavy bike out alone, and the other two lifted me right out of the water. Apparently, water splashes onto that patch so often, a nice coating of slimy algae had developed. Everyone kept asking if I was okay, and one guy pointed out that my derailer was fucked up. He happened to work in a bike store, and fixed it up great and put the chain on. As I was gathering myself, I noticed the front of my calf near the shin, it was bleeding and the muscle swelled up like a tennis ball. It looked like something was broken, but I could feel my bones were fine. It didn't even hurt it that point, but I thought I'd better head home before it started. I thought there was no way my bike's electronics would work, but they did! Everything on the bike looks great, amazing. Got home, cleaned myself up and tied ice packs to my calf and ankle (that swelled up, too). They already look and feel better. I poured a glass of single malt, took a couple aspirin, and smoked a big bowl of Trainwreck. Now, I'm sitting here contemplating how great people can be. I'm usually so down on them, but they did not hesitate to save my ass today. I'm feeling fine, life is good...
Did you really dump your bike?
I did. It was my first time dumping this bike, I'm a lot more cautious than I used to be. This was just freaky...



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I dont believe I've seen a bike like that. It goes by itself somewhat? I bet you wont do that again, anytime soon atleast!

I love when yoh see good in people. I try to be the best I can be to people and get shafted by most, bht these certain situations that bring the good in people is beautiful.
@tyler.durden Sweet ebike! On the other hand, purists will whine that you're not going to be getting a workout on your way to work.

I'm guessing you could give a shit. I like ebike's quiet ways, too. Smoking weed and riding at night is A GOOD THING, because weed helps your night vision. Seriously!

Glad you're okay, and if nice people are rare in your neck of the woods, I'm sorry. Around here, if you dump your bike you're more likely to die of embarrassment than neglect; EVERYONE stops and wants to help! But hey, that's fun and friendly Fort Collins for ya!