Craziest places you have found weed...

I used to work in a hospital as a distribution tech. I would walk 10 miles a day. Once I was getting on an elevator and about 15 feet away I saw a little package made from the corner of a baggie. Not many other things that could be right.

Then there was the time in high school (more years ago then a lot of you have been alive). Me and my buddies were trying to find some weed all know the old "I'll meet you behind the bowling alley at 3:45" or your 'dealer' says he has to make a call to a guy that has to make a call to another guy etcetera. Anyway, we had all but given up. We stopped at a gas station, I opened the car door and there was a 1/4 oz on the ground. Too cool!! :bigjoint:
In the 90's I worked at a computer repair shop. Some guy brought in a printer with problems...bag of weed fell out when we opened it...boss called the cops, but not sure what happened after that to the guy, but the printer was fine...go
Grateful Dead, Laguna Seca, 1987?? - 80-something...

Outside the venue and across the street was a row of payphones; a row of police were next to the payphones.
On top of the phone I chose, I found 3 hits of Sunshine blotter acid and about a gram of weed.
Grabbed all, waved to the police, and ran back into the sea of hippies.
My friend grew a huge plant one summer.That winter he was out of weed and bored as shit.He was holding a tennis ball and three it at a picture on the wall.A nice nugget fell out, and he was able to find a few more behind all his pictures.
Took out some trees at Sydney international airport next to the animal quarantine about 8 years ago, we were felling the trees and grinding the stumps.

While grinding one of the stumps a small film canister wrapped in duct tape flew out, one of the boys grabbed it and opened it up to find it packed full of buds. We were working away from home and had already ran out of weed so this was a blessing!
Never forgot that day haha.
I don’t know how crazy it was but I used to find weed/roaches in my fishing tackle box all the time. Also found a small plant growing in the breezeway of my high school back in the early ‘70’s.
I worked road construction in the late 90's. I found shit loads of nickle bags and dime bags on the side of the road... occasionally a quarter. they were always just past the spots where the cops hid on the interstate. Whenever we were around one of their spots I gave it a little extra attention. It didn't happen to me but in 94 after houston flooded there were thousands of flood damaged cars for sale as parts cars. My buddy bought one and found about 100 pounds of mexican brick weed stashed in the doors and trunk. It was all ruined and worthless.
I had a neighbour years back that used to have a 25 litre pot wired 10 foot up a tree in his back yard
He reckoned, if they're looking for weed it won't be up,
Don't know if these are the types of "found" your looking for.
I once flew dulles to O'Hare having completely forgotten about the oz in my backpack
Use to have to hide my rations from myself or I would disregard the rationing. Then I would randomly find a gram while changing my guitar strings or putting on my suit for the first time in month. One I hid in my beanbag was probably forgotten for 2 years