Craziest psychedelic experiences


Active Member
i should probably try to write out my best trip too. not just the one where this reality clashed so hard with that one lol. Whippits on acid or shrooms takes you pretty far out there.
Just a question.

when yall talk about whippits do yall mean the things that are made for that or actually inhaling canned air


Well-Known Member
Just a question.

when yall talk about whippits do yall mean the things that are made for that or actually inhaling canned air
the Nitrous Oxide you can buy for whipped cream dispensers, loaded into a balloon and inhaled. Careful though. I did freeze a portion of my finger SOLID with whippits once....that portion rotted off. nobody wants that :?
4.5 G's of Mushy's + 4 Liquids = One Fantastic Psychedelic Experience!

A great mix of visual and auditory hallucinations. It's an awesome duo of wall melting and intense patterns everywhere. You truely become one with your inner subconcious being. A great way to expand your horizons of thought.

Excess leads to the palace of wisdom...

Great vibes to all!! Enjoy :peace:


Well-Known Member
man, you guys are talkin about cool ass trips, how would i go aboot "procuring" some o these lovelies?
Step 1) Find psychedelic
Step 2) Buy psychedelic
Step 3) Do psychedelic

Easy :-)
hahaha nicely stated!

Which do you guys prefer? LSD or Psilocybin?

I mean, it's kind of a funny question... they're both great, but i find mushies to be much more of a "mind-fuck" hahaha like.. say goodbye to any shred of sanity and 'normal' rationalization. Strong auditory, environmental, time, and colorful melting visual hallucinations. Sometimes much more of an 'emotional' trip and you may form a very strong "bond" with the people you trip with.

LSD however... ohh acid... fantastic visual hallucinations, unworldly thought processes, rapid elevation of your spiritual awareness. I find it to be more of a recreational and almost religious experience, which can lead to profound self awareness and self criticism.. I believe LSD can truely change your concept of life and how you view your existence and role in the world today. I call this connection to your inner spiritual being "mind expansion."

There are many great books and articles out there today highlighting and expanding on the subject. Most of which originated in the 60's. Long live psychedelic flower power, hippy's , and classic rock!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I thot LSD was a fricken blast dude! Sick-nasty visuals, euphoria, some feeling that there was a devine presence, and insight into myself (along with into the world). Good shit.
sex on acid, say no more...
hahaha dude it's fantastic! but i'll never forget being in the heat of it, then me and my girlfriend both looked at each other while in bed tripping (at the EXACT same time) and just burst out in laughter for no reason! (the sex was probably over for the moment i think...)

But hell, these kinds of moments are what make the world go 'round, in my opinion. haha

The way i see it, potent LSD will bring your measly little world to it's knees. While letting your mind grow wings and fly freely from all other thought processes.


Well-Known Member
Being stuck chest-deep in a pile of a dead x-mas trees on acid, say no more.

lol it wasn't probably as crazy as some other stuff other people have done, but I won't ever forget that hike through the woods.


Well-Known Member
15 hits of some almost cardboard thick, and still wet, barrel of fun, I thought I was going to die, snakes were coming out of the trees, the world was melting around me, and the sounds of the quiet evening drowned out my friends' voices.
The first time I ever tried acid was crazy. I was playing drums in an old band of mine. We had a show at this two day music fest my friends (also in bands) put on every year. I was in the parking lot doing my typical pre-show warm up of drinking beer, a few lines of blow, and laying down some rudiments on a practice pad to get loose. The drummer from another band that I had just met and was chilling with offered me a hit of acid. I declined at first because my band's set was up next (about five more mins. at this point) Our set was just over a half hour long. He informed me that if i took it now I would start to trip after the set so that's all I needed to hear and under the tongue it went. Five mins go by I swallow the strip and go into the venue to set up where I run into my friend that sets the show up. "Yo Jon we want you guys to play 2nd to last instead of third to last so more people will stay, that straight?" Hahaha ohh fuck I don't know how much exp. you guys have with show set ups but typically the later in the set list you play the better so I had no excuse as to why we should play first (as my fellow band mates wouldn't see the humor in me ruining a better time slot because of my drug usage) All I could do was agree and hope the acid was bunk. About forty mins has transpired sense taking the hit and we are setting up our equipment to begin our set... I started getting the body buzz and I will never forget the four count I did on my hi hats to start the first song sounding like footsteps down a long hallway. My first acid trip was onstage playing in front of about 250 people.


Well-Known Member
My most intense experience with psychedelics was when I ate a whole bunch of morning glory, and acorus calamus. Sick nasty nausea, but awesome trip. I thought I was a fish at one point, and layed down in complete peace for about an hour. I thought my girlfriends lips swallowedme up when he kissed me, quite strange times I might add :p