Crazy blunts you have smoked


Active Member
just a post about what kinda blunts you may have rolled and or smoked with somebody heres mine i rolled this the other day took me 20 minutes and 2 vanilla dasters(dutch masters) worked perfectly i have never seen it done with blunts just rolling papers here it is

IMAG0039.jpgand then this is just another fat L i figure i would just throw it in there =)IMAG0037.jpg


Well-Known Member
nice I love your first picture... saw a movie and the dude had hat style of blunt and supposingly if you light every ened the cherry convergis in the center at once for optimum potential


Active Member
yeah pineapple express... i made one of them wiv skins...

hmmm... ive had a few blunts in my time as a marijuana smoker...

the best ive smoked is when we packed a 1/4 in a 8 inch blunt wrap. jesus thats a way to get high. love it. :D

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Well after harvest im sure ill roll up a hash blunt.

You get some hash and flatten it out like a rolling paper and put some bud in dependsing on how much you wanna use ima use about a gram or so.(ill prolly throw about .5 of keif in there also and you roll it up, make a mouth piece(cigar mouth peices work great) aim it upwards and light it, you gotta keep your head up or the the hash will melt and fall onto you... fucks your clothes. Smoke it and blast off :D

im sure theres some videos on how to make it somewhere.