Crazy cheap LED light

Not sure if this was mentioned but from my experience sometimes the cheaper lights overstate their power and capability. But the reality is led technology is super cheap and most lights are so grossly overpriced.
For the price you can't beat that with a stick. I'd definitely spend the money on 6 of those units to light up a 4x4 before I'd buy some Mars or SF crap. I am curious about longevity of course. Looks like a decent driver attached too. Any info printed on the driver case?
Yea defiantly would want more info. 40$ And it can be delivered tomorrow very tempting. I could use a light dedicated to clones. Can you get a picture of it lit up
I’ll take the plastic cover off when I get home and get some pics.
And the wattage usage please...if you don’t have a par meter I’ll order one of these when my new par meter come in.. and what bar light you have over those beauties
no stress.
there is a good chance i cant identify them anyway, but at the very least theyre not ancient tech "plurple" cased leds..