Crazy Chronic Hydro Grow Log - Bubbleponics - CFL - [OPEN COMMENTS]


Active Member
Hey guys I figured I would make a grow log since it seems like in general you guys are really helpful. Especially to a first time grower like me. I am not a clueless grower though...I have been researching and reading and watching tutorials and how toos from all over the internet. But what i dont have is experience. I would love anyone who would to comment and give pointers. That would be sweet. Thanks in advance.

In this grow log I will be posting links to my youtube videos that I am making about this grow project. To see all my videos you can just go to my channel at I will also be posting exclusive content such as pictures of the plants progress and what I am currently working on. I hope to update the pictures every few days.

For my first grow, this grow, I am using 100% feminized AK-48 seens from Nirvana, I had 5/5 germ within 48hrs. I chose AK-48 because its a shorter plant which it good for my 5' ceiling and because its 24% THC and because it finished in 6 weeks!!! :-P

For my equipment, you can see that in the secont video and some of the first but quickly I have a 6 planter Stealth Hydro bubbleponics system and a 315W (3x105W) CFL setup.

So thats all I can think of to put in the OP so yea...



Active Member
So what I have going so far is this:

Aug 1 - Growroom construction begins

Aug 6 - Video G1P1 is put up:

Aug 7 - hydroponics system comes in

Aug 9 - seeds put on wet paper towel

Aug 11 - seeds planted in rockwool

Aug 12 - 3/5 seeds sprout. Video G1P2 is posted:

Aug 13 - Pic Update.
Since plants 1 & 2 are still underground...below are plants 3, 4 and 5 from left to right

plant 3.jpg - plant 5.jpg - plant 6.jpg

Aug 14 - 4/5 seeds sprout

Aug 15 - Pic Update.
Since Mr Straggler #1 is still under ground...below are plants 2, 3, 4 and 5 from left to right.

photo 2.jpg - photo 3.jpg - photo 4.jpg - photo 5.jpg

Aug 16 - 5/5 seeds sprout

Aug 19 - Edges of leaves curling up...heat stress?? Either way I raised the light. Exhaust venting and fan arrives. Pic Update.
Below are plants 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from left to right.

8-19 plant 1.jpg - 8-19 plant 2.jpg - 8-19 plant 3.jpg - 8-19 plant 4.jpg - 8-19 plant 5.jpg