crazy idea??


Well-Known Member
an idea came to me as i was smoking a cigg in my back yard looking at my pool that got destroyed by ike. theres plants growing on top of the water. u can see the roots. has anyone tried to grow in a similar fashion? by having a plant float while the roots dangle in the water? or is this just another root rot waiting to happen? any input welcome


Well-Known Member
yea dwc but with a pool you would have to block out light so you dnt grow algae better of emptying it out and skateing in it


Well-Known Member
Time to fess up, a noob grower... =( lol. whats dwc? wouldnt blocking out light defeat the purpose? could u do it, in say a bucket of water?


Well-Known Member
DWC is deep water cultivation. not 100% sure how to do it, but its basically what you described, growing in a big bucket. you need to block out the light to the roots. light will kill the roots, and kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
Time to fess up, a noob grower... =( lol. whats dwc? wouldnt blocking out light defeat the purpose? could u do it, in say a bucket of water?
deep water culture.the roots grow in a bucket of water with an airstone like whats in a fish can go get a 5 gallon bucket and make one. you dont want the roots ore water exposed to light exposed water grows algea


i think i saw a cloner that uses a floating piece if foam and it sits in the water put the clone through the foam into the water an the clone will root.the foam acts as support for the plant. raft rooter or something like that.


Active Member
there are places in the world, *china or viatnam i beleave* that have used this idea for years for growing there rice, wheat and other crops, by gathering the floating vegatation from the lake they live on, and make small 4'x4' floating islands and connecting them with srting so they dont float away, and pile some compost on it from last years crop to grow, so the crops get all the nutes they need and the roots dangle below in the lake water.

ill try and find some more information maby some links so you can check it out its prity genious if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Yea, i mean i have foam. and it seems like a fairly easy grow. theoretically. i would be interested in this if someone could show me a how-to. could i do it with a seedling? i have a late bloomer that sprouted outta my cfl grow. about 4 days old. or would shock get the best of it?


Well-Known Member
search isn't working but hear is a quick rundown. pet stor; get a nice duel airpump and a long airstone or bubble curtain, lowes home depot; get a rubbermaid 28gal storage tote and 3" hole saw, hydro shop or; 6 net 3" net pots hydroten clay pebbles (fox farms nutes grow big tiger bloom and big bloom)1" rockwool cubes, ph up and down ppm meater ph meter.... cut holes for net pots in bucket lid put air stone in tank fill with water up to 1" fron net pot botoms and get growing... this was a quick tutorial so i may have missed sumthing i suggest doing at least 1 month of reasearch and planing on this site b4 you get started... build your grow room b4 you germ your seeds buy your lighta and anything you need b4 you germ your seeds:peace: that will get you 6 nice 1 oz plants if done right every 3 months or less if you use clones which you should and dont let em get too big


Well-Known Member
Thanks tuss, yea i wouldnt do this any time soon. still caught up in my cfl grow. btw would any one know how to post pics from a sprint instinct? thats how i get on the interweb lol. id like to get some input on my cfl babies.


Active Member
search isn't working but hear is a quick rundown. pet stor; get a nice duel airpump and a long airstone or bubble curtain, lowes home depot; get a rubbermaid 28gal storage tote and 3" hole saw, hydro shop or; 6 net 3" net pots hydroten clay pebbles (fox farms nutes grow big tiger bloom and big bloom)1" rockwool cubes, ph up and down ppm meater ph meter.... cut holes for net pots in bucket lid put air stone in tank fill with water up to 1" fron net pot botoms and get growing... this was a quick tutorial so i may have missed sumthing i suggest doing at least 1 month of reasearch and planing on this site b4 you get started... build your grow room b4 you germ your seeds buy your lighta and anything you need b4 you germ your seeds:peace: that will get you 6 nice 1 oz plants if done right every 3 months or less if you use clones which you should and dont let em get too big
There. You just described my grow. Good, quick tutorial Tussel.