Crazy Plant


Well-Known Member
Ok So I have 19 AK-48's veggin' in the garden, and one (only one) has this disformality I'm going to explain. It basically is two plants into one. Instead of one main stem with branches, it branches a second main stem, so it takes the shape of a y. Anyone have an idea/explanation to this?


Active Member
yeah you are pretty much automatically doubling your yield right formthe get go if you have this mutation... i would pollinate that plant if it is possible for you to do so and save those seeds.. or give em to me =) whichever you prefer


Well-Known Member
haha I posted some pics! check out my previous posts under disformed ak48. I'll take bettter/more recent ones later. I took the only clone I could off it yesterday (only gave off 1 shoot). Will the clone have this mutation as well?


Active Member
it could be accidental topping by a bug. this happened to me last season where the plant was topped by a bug right at the second set of leaves. i was totally surprised and thankfull. Enjoy the fruits of mother nature, she is greatness. good luck man


Well-Known Member
HA! That's absolutely wild man. I don't think it was a bug in my case though, my rooms clean as a whistle!


Active Member
isnt ak48 autoflowering? i wasnt aware you could clone autos... maybe its not autoflowering and i was thinking of something different


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, check out my journal, I posted a pic of the plant now.. at about 8 weeks. Its just over 2 and a half feet tall, and you can really see what I was talking about. I also took a pic of a clone I took from it, look how wild!


Well-Known Member
probably just a genetic mutation in the one plant.,.,or maybe it gets alot of lighting on one side that other plants in the bunch dont get so a side sho0t reach toward the light.,.,who knows,but all in all thats prety desireable


Well-Known Member
had the same problem as you but not with sucsess it has a main stalk that protrudes a y main stalk and this deformity has mad emy yield not at all double in fact it has decreased my yield let me let you look at the stalk and show you what i mean

notice small one is the one im talking bout height never really hanged and thought they are in flowering now that small one is not producing much of a yeild and she still has y main stalk may just be me though!GL

