Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

man peace u bettter go bust your man out da pin....or vote or something....
hey lets see some smokin vids!!! you tube style.... sucks i have to got to class in 10.....dammit !
nah hes ridin it out. he better be doin some productive shit in there... like workin out or findin god or somethin hahahaahah
have fun at school!! hahaha nah youtube stays on youtube... it would be mad weird if people on RIU saw my videos lol
what a lucky guy..... wow you really know how to treat a man...hahha...
you are a lady right victron????....i
i bet he wasnt a virgin..... you cant believe men sometimes we do anything to get a bone...haha...thanx for sharing.... you nasty ass!....haahhah...

of corse im a girl >:{ the names vicki...
im glad you liked it haha :neutral:

are you a chick?
well if you guys are bored i got another story thats kinda funny.

this one time me n my g/f went to our local lake to swim there was a bunch of people swimming at this beach part with sand n stuff. we went out to the end of the swimming area and just acted like we were floating there together but we were actually boning there beside other people swimming. THEY DIDNT EVEN KNO ...LOL so i busted a nut and it floated to the surface of the water. we freaked out and started swimming away from it (yeah i know, fuckin nasty) then we left. thats probably my only crazy story that i know of for right now.
there was probly worse shit floatin fish piss..... loads are the least of you worries.... hahahha
hahahah man!! i remember when i was like 10 i was out on my dads boat with my 2 other sisters. so i whispered to my dad i had to take a dump and he said "alrght girls yall can get off the boat and swim around here." hahha so i shit in the water man and my fuckin turd was like following my sister HAHAHAAH (cuz of her current) so was like "aj turn around and look!!" the fuckin shit log hit her in the face
wow thanks for that mental image...aahhhhh im getting
if u dont mind u have to wipe when u take a dump in the lake...always wanted to know.... man peace and your shit stories...hahahha
Halloween was awesome. my fiance introduced me to he two friends and the 4 of us had alot of fun that night. i think you catch my drift. Oh and my fiance said it was a one time thing but its cool cause how many girls would do that for you. Man i love that hell out of her
oh shit! i was about to stay i thought that was you in a girls costume!
damn that sounds really mean.... shes got some nice jugs dude
I don't know what it is about white girls,they love latin guys around here. its awesome and i'm a former Marine (hints the name) so that helps out alot cause i'm in shape and all tatted up. anyways. life is great. everyday i smoke a blunt and or a bowl and always come home to a meal.The only problem is that she doesn't like me growing or smokin but she knows that it helps me with my medical condition and wounds. Sorry people but i promised her yesterday that when she gets pregnant i will stop everything. Does that make me a pussy?
oh shit! i was about to stay i thought that was you in a girls costume!
damn that sounds really mean.... shes got some nice jugs dude

Devil you even have your quote saying that you did... im sad to say i never was cool enuff to do that.... i never had a dime but i had two nickels in the same day

and peace yeah i thought that was him she does got nice jugs tho...
oh shit! i was about to stay i thought that was you in a girls costume!
damn that sounds really mean.... shes got some nice jugs dude

Lol. yeah i know. she is just plain hott! and i'm hispanic so i wouldn't pass as a white girl. well maybe sarah (far right) cause she is dark but she is all white. oh and pink :hump: