Crazy things you have ever done on L???

Impman..'hs'..hallucinatory substances? did you get accidentally dosed with 20 exact hits? I was laying 2 grams once and touched an unknown amount of had condensed to an oil like consistancy..thing is I had gloves on but wiped my head cause I was sweating(was in a r.v. in summer)..I know lsd doesn't get absorbed through the skin very well but,...I had a 12 hour 'stuck' period where I seen everything as molecules...similar to what u said about the cities...
Impman..'hs'..hallucinatory substances? did you get accidentally dosed with 20 exact hits? I was laying 2 grams once and touched an unknown amount of had condensed to an oil like consistancy..thing is I had gloves on but wiped my head cause I was sweating(was in a r.v. in summer)..I know lsd doesn't get absorbed through the skin very well but,...I had a 12 hour 'stuck' period where I seen everything as molecules...similar to what u said about the cities...

LSD came into town from San Francisco. It was being sold on paper. My friend watched the 'dealer' laying out the hits on paper. I started buying 10 hits of Acid and they were being called 'strips'. I think the strips were 40 $ and hits were 5$. Well this went on for many months. I then heard I could by a 'sheet' for 150$. I thought a sheet was 50 hits.

Mind you I did not know anything about ug or how much LSD goes on a strip at all. All I knew was what the 10 strips I was buying looked like and what the hits looked like.

SO I get hooked up with this sheet of good acid and its wrapped in tin foil. I open the sheet and the dude tells me " BE really careful not to touch it, and put it in your freezer" SO I carefully cut out what I thought was a couple hits for the dude and his friend that hooked me up with the sheet. Then I cut out what I thought to be about 4 or 5 hits each for me and my good friend.

Well me and my good buddy put the paper in our mouths and begin chewing on it like it was gum. and we both have a good little wad about what a stick of trident would look like. The dudes who hooked us up were staring at us crazy like. They gratefully took the 2 hits I thought I gave them and they divided it up 4 different ways, between them and 2 of their other friends that were at the pad!!!!

Then one of them said you guys took a lot. And they looked at us kinda like " Hey, we don't know you and you are not tripping that hard here! ' NOt that we had intentions of lingering around. But, I got a little worried and asked them how much they thought we took. and they were like well a hit is usually two millimeter by two millimeter and there are 100 hits there (whatever that means in ug only god and the guy who put the acid down know) so we jumped in my truck and headed back to the pad.

We are worried the whole way back to the pad about how much we may have taken. I get into the kitchen and get out a ruler and begin measuring 100 hits on the paper. I measured the section we removed vs what was left. I came to the conclusion that we had taken 1/3 of the sheet roughly. I had eaten the bigger paper and to this day I am sure I ate about 15-20 hits. As I was measuring the paper the floor under my feet began to move like there were billions of maggots. It had only been 15 minuts since I started chewing the paper.

Now, I could be wrong about the amount of hits but not by much. And we just don't know how many ug I actually took. From the research I have read I was in the 1500ug-2000 ug range

What I saw was so beautiful and I can't put words to it. Infinity , and detailed cities that went on forever. My world and everything I saw became this universe that was in everything. I am not good enough with words and my IQ is not high enough to explain what any of it meant. But that was a intense breakthrough experience and I met god at her source
Guys like you are precisely why raw isn't sold to just like an intense trip seeing as if you didn't know what a measured hit was like indicates you hadn't tripped but a handfull of times...awesome
Guys like you are precisely why raw isn't sold to just like an intense trip seeing as if you didn't know what a measured hit was like indicates you hadn't tripped but a handfull of times...awesome
ya, ive only ever bought Acid from that same guy. that sheet was the
last time I did LSD. It wasnt until a couple months later I took the last of the Acid and went to Vegas, I was 20. I had one of those minus trips as John Lilley describes it. I had a bad trip and I did not recover from it for 3 days. I was basically up for three days on the same negative trip. And that stuck with me for another year or so, of a lingering paranoia I had to work out.
I did get back into mushrooms and mescaline. mescaline is my favorite now.

Im ready to try LSD again but im in no hurry. my old mac laptop cant access the road anymore since it upgraded or whatever. it does not work with the 32 bit or the other one. Im getting a real computer very soon
i heard about i aguy that died thinking he could fly off of a 10 story building. looking back, what a dick, if he could fly why wouldnt he start from the bottom, bird dont climb trees before they fry right
i heard about i aguy that died thinking he could fly off of a 10 story building. looking back, what a dick, if he could fly why wouldnt he start from the bottom, bird dont climb trees before they fry right

dude, people started that story before we were even alive......
dude, people started that story before we were even alive......

I started it, what really happened was the guys depth perception was whacked so he thought he was simply stepping down, it was only one story and the guy broke both ankles. The looking into the sun thing, and the orange juice thing are both myths as well.
If u crack your back you trip,legally insane after 7 hits,dna damage,impotency,and your mom will go lesbian and eat just peanut butter for the rest of your life..all fun rumors that fuck with inexperienced trippers(that last one really happened...)
I put a lot of time behind the wheel on L. like hundreds and hundreds of driving miles. one time at night we pulled into a orchard to smoke weed and there was a car on fire in the middle of the rows. we watched it burning for several minutes before i got smart paranoid and thought oh fuck thats a stolen car.
L? The one really panic attack trip was from STP. Did a four way and saw the devil for a while. Scary fucker too. Not sure about the make up of that drug though, I puked black shit for a while too. Came down about 3 days later wondering the streets of Des Moines, IA. Ha-ha with guy named Buzzy. Are you still alive Buzzy? Didn't sleep until some dude forked out some of his Thorazine. Never ever seen STP again. It was vaguely like salvia mixed with L only much stronger/longer.
Mmmmm...stp pancakes....yum....impman..."lsd is a driving hippys coffee"-rory.
I won't take long road trips without it.period.