Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos


Well-Known Member
yeah man ill do an update sometime before sunday lol been busy with work and what not bhd has started pushing out white hairs


Active Member
good for you buddy got ur hairs comin in me tooo.....Midnight showed sex today so did Sage.....i loook them up nd down every day and this morning when they went out there were no cheers homes............................CHEERS 2 US
yeah man ill do an update sometime before sunday lol been busy with work and what not bhd has started pushing out white hairs


Well-Known Member
DAY 62/44
Plant Stage: flower
Light Cycle: 18/6
Lights: 1 125w 2700k, 2 13w 6500k
Medium: ffof with seabird guano added
Ferts:water, hygrozyme, flora nova bloom. snow storm ultra,
Strain: purple mazar auto, low girl auto fem, blue himalaya diesel femm

hey everyone. updte time first pic is a group shot of the ladies. next pics are the purple mazar. she is still pushing out white hairs like crazy. i think she is coming down soon. most of the trichs are cloudy, some amber. she has really been fattening up since last update. low girl has spots on her leaves. ive flushed her pretty good a few days ago and again this morning so we will see what happens. how much longer yall think on the two main plants? next is the idiot cat. last pics are of the blue himalaya diesel. stupid thing started flowering at day 13ish. once the mazar comes down i will transplant her to a bigger pot. thats bout it for now.

questions and comments feel free to elave em.




Well-Known Member
damn bro..that mazar is one purple bitch isn't she? looking good man..cant wait to see what you can pull of when you get out of that pc. ive already noticed a major difference since my grow area sure you would too...but for now im sitting here..about to smoke my first bowl of the day...waiting for UPS to show up with my HPS...WOO HOO


Active Member
Looking good man. Those purp buds look killer! Your bhd is so small and its weird that it started flowering so soon! Lol.. But still looking good.


Active Member
luv that gald i got to wath her grow......i want to do like 20 of the at once if i can.....think i could w/ 1 ........400w'er??????????????????????????????wishin nd hopin


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Those purp buds look killer! Your bhd is so small and its weird that it started flowering so soon! Lol.. But still looking good.
thanks man i think she may be coming down very soon. yeah i wish the bhd was alot bigger but o well haha i transplanted her tonight to a 6.8 in pot

luv that gald i got to wath her grow......i want to do like 20 of the at once if i can.....think i could w/ 1 ........400w'er??????????????????????????????wishin nd hopin
yeah man easily, they would get alot bigger under a 400 w for sure.


Well-Known Member
Those girls look good CT! I would say the main girls are both real close. At least with them staying small you can keep more going at once.


Well-Known Member
got some cheese berry haze comin ima grow in the water farm next i think.........
sounds good man lookin forward to it

Those girls look good CT! I would say the main girls are both real close. At least with them staying small you can keep more going at once.
i checked the trichs on the purp and saw quite a few anber so i gave get the 36hr darkness thing for the the hell of it. the stupid bitch shot out a ton of white hairs haha long story short she is hanging in the closet. 20 grams wet weight. i wish my light was further back in the case. not very even light dispursement under the socket side. wont be long and ill be growing in my dresser....gotta build it first lol. something cool to look forward to

peace bro


Well-Known Member
That is cool to look forward to! Do you already have one? You should throw up some pics, and we can help you build a list of what is needed!


Well-Known Member
no dresser yet but here are a few links of what i plan to put into it. if i find a wide enough one i may get a 250hps and cooltube it. 150w hps ballast reflector combo fan and filter combo

been dreaming of designs for a while now. if you look on pelt1's dresser grow thats something like i want to do. he has a nice set up. i want mine taller and wider though


Active Member
how big of a dresser do u need to have CT whuts the list of items to build look like im thinking about a dresser.............................. hope u will post a list...............................