Creating my own strain


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comments are like sweet lovin' so feel free to comment, just keep it friendly.

I wanna create my own stable strain out of Pineapple Daisy mom & an unknown sativa male I like.

These are my F1 babies. Germ'd on 10/1



Well-Known Member

I just collected some pollen off one of my bubba kush that went hermie...
Thinkin' of pollinating my ak47...

Bubba Kush x Ak47? could be good.


Active Member
My reasoning - I want to give the Pineapple daisy a little more sativa. This sativa is very hardy and has a citrus flavor. If I can get a fruity melody thats hardy I'll be happy.

My setup - Vital Earth Manna mix soilless. Dyna grow, bloom, protekt, cal/mag. 2 400W MH for grow HPS for bloom. Uhhh... anything else?

I tried to cut corners and play with things on my first few grows, no corners this time and it's really showing already!

I seem to have 2 pheno's, the ones that start with really long first sets of leaves are more indica and the normal first set are more sativa dom. IMG_0477.jpgIMG_0476.jpg


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They were topped at about 2 weeks and I started LSTing them today.

Feeding them 500ppm RO/DI water, they started really sucking it up quick now so I am thinking of bumping it up to 700ppm tomorrow.

Also, any input on upgrading my pots? I have them in 3 gallon ones, would 3 gallon smart pots or a final transplant into a 5 gallon be better? I plan to veg them to 18-20 inches then flower.

Just a quick shot today. IMG_0521.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice set up, sounds awesome. Hope it turns out as good as it sounds, or better.
Here's some pics of the two I'm thinking of crossing. The bubba Kush is about a 60 day strain and the Ak is done by day 67. Both are very different in taste, but have a great stone and awesome yields.
A bubba kush harvest.

The victim to be pollinated, ak47 pic 1 @ 6 weeks pic 2 harvested and dried.


Well-Known Member
They were topped at about 2 weeks and I started LSTing them today.

Feeding them 500ppm RO/DI water, they started really sucking it up quick now so I am thinking of bumping it up to 700ppm tomorrow.

Also, any input on upgrading my pots? I have them in 3 gallon ones, would 3 gallon smart pots or a final transplant into a 5 gallon be better? I plan to veg them to 18-20 inches then flower.

Just a quick shot today. View attachment 1919996
You could finish them in the 3 gal. but 5 gal. will give you more room for root develepment which in the long run means increased yield, given you have sufficient light, which it seems you do.


Active Member
Not much to report update wise, I re-potted a few of my girls into my home made smart pots that are roughly 4 gallons.

I am really happy with their progress so far. They are all developing really large knots(?) at the base of their branches and are super bushy.

Here are some pics. The one of the smart pot makes the leaves look yellow but that is just the light playing tricks. I added another top down shot to show ya they are nice and deep green.



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Nothing new really. The first 4 are 12x18 inches, Topped and LST'd. I really wanted to wait till 1/1 to flip but o_O I don't think I'll have enough room in my closet if I wait till then. I may flip them tomorrow at 6 weeks. Decisions, decisions.

On a side note, I have terrible back problems and after working 5am the other day my back was worse than it had been in a while. Exhaustion and migraine was unrelenting even downing caffeine and aspirin did nothing. A cookie on the other hand had me up and lovin' life again in 15 minutes. I don't know how some people cannot see the medical benefits of these all natural plants!


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On the 15th I changed the light schedule to 12/12. I have not seen any males yet so ..yay.

Strangely though the plants are smelling kinda peppery lemon. I don't recall any pepper smell on either of the parent plants. Uhhhh I don't understand why?? anyone have any ideas?

A few pics :) the plants have grown 4 inches in 5 days!



Active Member
I jinxed myself. The one I was really excited for looks like its developing balls :cry: along with a spindly one. If Comm. Gordon does in fact turn into a male I'll collect pollen. (yea, I name them all, this grow was batman themed)

Bruce Wayne is the only one showing she's a female so far. I'll update on my final count next week :)


Active Member
Well looks like I have only 1 female on the first round. Pretty disappointed as I chose not to breed this female, I do not think she will poses what I want. She shows deficiency when I flushed her once. Also does not have the tight nodes that the male I will collect pollen from does.

I did however take 4 clones from her just in case she surprises me. I set them up in a home made bubble cloner.


Active Member
Ok. I'm an idiot! In the past I've had really bad luck with large amounts of males. I wait till they develop clusters of balls and chop. This time I was trying to clear out my closet and chop the ones I was certain were males at the first sign of balls. I kept my favorite one to collect pollen. Turns out it was the beginning of flowers :/

On a happy note though ... my favorite plant is a female. I took clones and if she produces good she will be bred with a future male :-o

A side note to my two beautiful females ... STOP EFFIN STRETCHING! enough is enough already.

First pic is what I thought were balls, second shows what the balls turn into, third is just a preflower off her.IMGP0020.jpgIMGP0015.jpgIMGP0012.jpg


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I should do an update just in case anyone is around.

The Calyxes on my girls started really swelling to the point where I thought I had seeds somehow. I've sliced through a few and they are soft inside. I asked in another post and am being told if they are soft it's probably not seeds so I'm hoping they are right.

The girls are monsters, heavy as can be to the point I'm tieing up a few of the branches already. Here are a few bud shots at about halfway finished :) (you can see what I'm talking about with them being super swollen.)