Creation vs Evolution vs Whatever Else

its bin scientificaly proven we have evolved, think of it as this everything came from the big bang, so incase we are all from the same atom that everythin came from, but over trillions and trillions of year the atoms evolved forming nitrogen carbon etc, are molecular structure could not and is not explained by the god theory, which is just a theory, personally i tihnk we arfe all part of the same thing, started of as the same thing and jus evolved over time, and we will not stop evolving until we die off, either the universe wil colapse into itself or due to our own acts as a species or some other universal happenings

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
quantum physics is an interesting subject i like abstract sciences like that some creativity is needed in the quantum field. i appreciate purely scientific analytical minds but i also like more creative thinking as well very rarely to people have an ability in both.


Well-Known Member
here is my impression of cbtwohundred:

"science is but a subject of clown skewl. you juggle your science in the air but then youdrop your science and it breaks on the ground spilling out god, his angels, and all the hippies. the 90s were a time of evil when science was gaining power working out in the gym taking steroids that shrank its balls. god doesnt need steroids and has huge balls so heshe teabags science and you all fall asleep believing in evolution."

his only argument so far has sucked...he just points out the imperfections in humans(as if we all didn't know that already)



New Member
Quantum physics shows how very little we actually know. We have a long way to go... a long way. In a few hundred years, this time period will seem elemental.

CB... short But you double and triple post inanely, so it's just increased chance my posts are near yours.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
whether there was a big bang or not does not answer the question of infinity what happened before the big bang? where did the dense ball of matter come from? how can the universe be infinite? how can it not be? how can time be infinite? how can it not be and so forth and so forth. humans will never answer these questions its not in our inherent capabilities as humans. i love playing with these questions in my mind.


New Member
Yes, it's disconcerting to realize that man may NEVER get all the answers he seeks. But the wonder, the enjoyment comes from the search....

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its good for the mind and healthy to question things and come to your own conclusions. i think one of the biggest human problems is that many dont question anything and except everything as fact automatically.


Well-Known Member
theyre u go again with your schamatics i enjoyed this argument tho cracker jax i like u more than u kno...probably not mutual because u think im crazy but everybody does so as u can see and smell and taste and hear and piss and shit why u say that i hope u enjoyed this as much as i did i enjoy points of view of you and yours and theres and mine so dont bee a swine give me some wine !shazaam everythings fine!!sun shineth and clouds partith!!!birds singith and frogs ribbit!

none of us will get all the answers we are looking for friend but we try and try


Really though, the implications of not accepting this theory has an entire negative aspect on society. A lot like the religious nuts preach about how manditory prayer isn't allowed in public schools and that's going to lead to the moral decay of our youth...