New Member
Then I guess you can't blame high cholesterol only on meat. There are other factors involved. OH SNAP................ 

Your recriminations betray a guilty conscience.awwww Me thinks Johnny is offended and since he doesn't eat meat his brain can't come up with a sharp reply.........
"Who's screaming? Although you are getting quire shrill in your faux indignation. BTW, I'd be a pretty sorry vegetarian if I did not know what gelatin is made from. LOL! JohnnyO"
So how about that glue or those leather shoes Johnny, what does your dog eat?
Humans have become meat eaters. The type of teeth we have and the layout of our digestive system suggests we spent the first 99% of our existance evolving as herbivores.
And if you stop for a sec and look at the links I posted, you will notice you posted the same one.
They are tied together in studies not because refined carbs contain cholesterol though seamaiden, as much as drinking and drink driving related deaths are also associated with cars, does not mean that alcohol comes from cars.High cholesterol levels have been tied much more closely to a diet high in refined carbohydrates (and often subsequently low in greens and other vegetables) than simply animal fats. Along with general genetic tendencies, specific genetic tendencies, etcetera, it's not just tied to the types of fats one consumes, or the amounts of those fats.
The fact that my diet makes your pussy hurt is hilarious.
We need to reword this
Because according to all the scientific contributors in that wiki article, and a few pair review papers on the subject, they claim, it is solely derrived from animal fats. At least we should add in a, "Critiques of pair reviewed scientific findings" section that states that because misshestermoffitt's doctor says that vegetarians (who are not vegans therefore not strictly non-animal product eaters) can have high cholesterol, and people genetically predisposed to high cholesterol get their cholesterol from the void, then its not exclusively from animal fats.
Nope, but you can call your doctor and fill him in on vegetarianism and just how easy it is for vegetarians to have high cholesterol without eating meat.So should I call my doctor tomorrow and tell him he's wrong based on the fact that since you've never heard that before it can't be true? When did you obtain your medical license exactly and what school did you attend?
Sure, but I think their reasoning for not eating meat differs from the more politically motivated vegans who tend to oppose any animal products, some even oppose fake animal products...go figure, some vegetarians tend to just not eat meat because they don't like meat.I can't see how they can call themselves vegetarians if they eat chicken abortions (that's what eggs are). Fish should be off limits too, it has a face you know. Now other dairy products where the animal isn't killed like milk products I can almost see, but they aren't actually vegetables, so if they really want to say their vegetarian they should only eat food made of plants only.
High cholesterol levels have been tied much more closely to a diet high in refined carbohydrates (and often subsequently low in greens and other vegetables) than simply animal fats. Along with general genetic tendencies, specific genetic tendencies, etcetera, it's not just tied to the types of fats one consumes, or the amounts of those fats.
Re-read my statement. Nowhere do I say that cholesterol is derived from anything other than animal sources. I am speaking specifically to "high cholesterol levels", which assumes we're talking about human blood work. I don't quite see where the rest is extrapolated from.They are tied together in studies not because refined carbs contain cholesterol though seamaiden, as much as drinking and drink driving related deaths are also associated with cars, does not mean that alcohol comes from cars.