Creative homemade pipes?


About 15 years ago I bought a home made coconut waterpipe from a dude in Cali. It had a Bamboo mouthpiece and shoulder strap made of hemp twine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, It's Fimo- I made it when I was bored at 3 am X3 Making a pipe is something I always thought about doing, but never got around to. So I took that random moment before I forgot to do it again.

The bowl is a tealight candle case- I figured that anything burning in that wouldn't give off fumes any worse than inhaling a little butane. I cut it down the side and a quarter of the way across the diameter and rolled it into a sort of cone shape keeping the cylindrical edge and somehow molded it around the metal tube and got it to stay there with no glue until I got the Fimo on. Very stoned and making it up as I went along lol.

Thankyou for describing it as innovative ^^;


bud bootlegger
nah was me as well ... soem of these terms im just not in the know of

ill speak for a few others that might struggle with it a lil to lol.....can someone drop some knowledge?
my thinking is it looks like some kind of artistic modelling clay type of stuff, but i could be way off on this.. i do know that kuroi is quite the artist..


Ursus marijanus
Might i recommend using something other than aluminum as the bowl liner? I'm imagining the taste and smell of hot vinyl ... aiee. Ordinary clay (potter's mineral clay, not plasticine) works a treat ime.
I once made a hash pipe from some iron-rich bauxite clay I found in a cave. The stem was a bit of brass tubing. This was back in the 70s, when a gram of delicious Lebanese blonde hash crossed paths with an adolescent me. cn