Cree Cobs+Samsung F Series Gen 3s strip build

Is there a certain reason to go with two 240s vs one 480? I've looked at other builds of yours etc and was curious about driver slection.
The hlg480 wont quite run 16 strips. It only has max output of 343vdc. And the strips I'm using I'm running at 1400mA. And at that current they draw 21.6v. Times 16 strips 345.6vdc plus using two drivers I get to pull 250.6w per driver they put out 179vdc max. For a total of 501.2w instead 480w. At 1.4A 179 × 1.4=250.6w per driver. I'm only.pulling 172.8vdc from each driver. So that leaves me 6.2vdc headroom for reds or whatever. And I'm pulling 96% of full load on the driver. Which is pretty close. And is where the driver is most efficient.

Edit: I could set down and drew out different circuits. I couldve run series parallel and run them super soft. But I've built all big high wattage lights. Bc we just went medical here. But right now no home grows allowed. So I'm banking on home grows allowed in the near future. And needing more wattage than I need now. Bc I have huge building with two floors. So im banking on big grows. To cover 15' × 20' area. Hopefully in the very near future. If not I have big wattage lights that I'm running the leds super dimmed and soft. Which makes them efficient as well.
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You should consider putting together a set of straight forward diy build instructions for different size tents and start selling diy kits. I bet you could move a ton of them and you wouldn't have to invest build time.
That's a pretty good idea. I have some smaller ones I've built that takes about 15 mins to put together. And pushes 205w of mixed spectrum 35k and 5k for veg. They are extremely bright.
You should consider putting together a set of straight forward diy build instructions for different size tents and start selling diy kits. I bet you could move a ton of them and you wouldn't have to invest build time.

i bet they would be a hit for sure

lots of guys would love to have these lights. Its not as easy as guys like ww make it look.

I got overwhelmed just trying to source parts and figure out exactly what i wanted lol

diy kits would be real nice.
Thanks we have several of them. All hand made back in the 70s. By my grandmother. We have one that my wifes great grandmother made back in the early 1900s.
My dad left me several quilts that my grandmother or great grandmother made, not sure which but I've only got 3 left. I had left two in the trunk of a car just to store them for a while and it leaked or something. Anyway water got to them and they just fell apart and it makes me sick when I think about it. Those 2 were the nicer ones, had a lot more color, red and gold mostly. But I did wanna ask you with all the strips to choose from which ones or combination do you reccomend? I thought I had my mind made up to run the Samsung F series gen 3s or Bridgelux EB gen 2s from reading that LED gardener read, but reading through your thread just made me realize I got a lot more homework to do. So yea what would you recommend. I just set up a 4x8 tent in the house and I'm gonna run cobs on one side. So it would be for the other 4x4 side. I'm also wondering are these things so cool I could run sealed w/co2 no vent?
My dad left me several quilts that my grandmother or great grandmother made, not sure which but I've only got 3 left. I had left two in the trunk of a car just to store them for a while and it leaked or something. Anyway water got to them and they just fell apart and it makes me sick when I think about it. Those 2 were the nicer ones, had a lot more color, red and gold mostly. But I did wanna ask you with all the strips to choose from which ones or combination do you reccomend? I thought I had my mind made up to run the Samsung F series gen 3s or Bridgelux EB gen 2s from reading that LED gardener read, but reading through your thread just made me realize I got a lot more homework to do. So yea what would you recommend. I just set up a 4x8 tent in the house and I'm gonna run cobs on one side. So it would be for the other 4x4 side. I'm also wondering are these things so cool I could run sealed w/co2 no vent?

Yeah if run right, they run cool enough I honestly can lay my face on them if they were upside down. Best way to think about. Run your drivers hard, and leds soft. Higher efficiency on both sides of the field.

And honestly it doesnt matter if you go with samsungs or bridgelux you wont be disappointed either way. For a 4x4 I'd build the same exact light I just built. Just make the frame a little bigger. Like 36x36 and space the strips evenly. With either eb series or Sammy's. I really love the H inFlux strips from Samsung. But I also like the eb series gen 2s.