Crime Vigilantism


Well-Known Member
Knew a girl who was assaulted sexually in highschool. Ran into the kid at the mall and ended up chasing him around until we caught him and beat his ass senseless in the alley behind the mall. We broke six of his fingers, one at a time. We were going to break them all but he was too pathetic after one hand. Still don't feel bad. Guy ended up doing it again to another innocent women and ended up getting federal time.

buddha webb

New Member
Im currently being blackmailed as were talking of such things,and have been for about 10 months.
An English guy i know has a restaurant,and one of the staff a thai guy is stealing beer and money
to feed his ice habit (huge ice problem in Asia).
About 10 months ago i was speaking to the owner when this Thai man came to me and told me
that he knew what i do (grow weed) and if i told the boss he was robbing he would tell the police
i was growing.....
Nothing has happened,i have told no one,and even if he told the police i grow,i would be able to pay a small
fine and they would go...its just not worth it!!!
Retribution and revenge is different in Asia,its not about what or how much you steal its about who you steal from.
No one would go into a Buddhist temple and steal a gold Buddha statue (its happened but only a couple of times)even if they were
strung out,they wouldnt do it!! they would however blow your brains out if you insinuated one was a thief.
Since ive lived in Asia ive seen and heard more murder than anywhere ive been....ive also seen more kind heartednass and sincerity
here than you would ever see in the West....
I like to know that if i keep out of others business i am 99.9% safe here,,,,whereas in Liverpool UK i dont feel safe.
And yes i believe if someone fucks you over they have a penalty to pay..but,i also believe revenge is a dish best served cold......B


Well-Known Member

The emotions you are feeling are shared by many at different times.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I told this story before or not. I bought my first home and moved in. My brother spent the first night and in the morning I let my black Lab out to do his business. I opened the sliding doorwall to the deck and he stuck his nose out and went, 'woof', one time and one time only.

My new neighbor was outside and looked at me and said if my dog barks again he'd shoot it. My brother stuck his head out and said, 'Oh? I guess, I'll buy the empty lot next door after the fire.' Nothing else was ever said.

All this and I hadn't been in my home more than 16 hours. He was fk'd up. He made living there tough, very tough.


Active Member
so are you young and older people are bothering you or your friends if so stand up for yourself next time or stand up for your friends. it will make you a leader in front of your friends and make them respect you next time they wont fuck with you if you give it all you got. dont be scared ever or never show it


Active Member
I'm not sure I told this story before or not. I bought my first home and moved in. My brother spent the first night and in the morning I let my black Lab out to do his business. I opened the sliding doorwall to the deck and he stuck his nose out and went, 'woof', one time and one time only.

My new neighbor was outside and looked at me and said if my dog barks again he'd shoot it. My brother stuck his head out and said, 'Oh? I guess, I'll buy the empty lot next door after the fire.' Nothing else was ever said.

All this and I hadn't been in my home more than 16 hours. He was fk'd up. He made living there tough, very tough.
That was smooth like his style..

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
As far as I know, if its illegal, anyone can arrest you for it. Only difference is you are supposed to call the police right away when someone is under arrest. Thats the only stipulation. You can restrain, and you can beat within reason if the person does resist and you truly know a crime is or was about to be commited

Cops don't want people to know this information, I have delt with them before. guy incognito, are you a cop? Oh wait, you would just say no, and after that you would say a sarcastic remark, so you might as well just say you are
Fuck you bitch.

In the most crime ridden spot in the country, our nation's capitol, District of Columbia Law 23- 582(b) reads as follows:
(b) A private person may arrest another -
(1) who he has probable cause to believe is committing in his presence -
(A) a felony, or
(B) an offense enumerated in section 23-581 (a)(2); or

(2) in aid of a law enforcement officer or special policeman, or other person authorized by law to make an arrest.
(c) Any person making an arrest pursuant to this section shall deliver the person arrested to a law enforcement officer without unreasonable delay. (July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 630, Pub. L. 91-358, Title II, � 210(a); 1973 Ed., � 23-582; Apr. 30, 1988, D.C. Law 7-104, � 7(e), 35 DCR 147.)
In Tennessee, it has been held that a private citizen has the right to arrest when a felony has been committed and he has reasonable cause to believe that the person arrested committed it. Reasonable grounds will justify the arrest, whether the facts turn out to be sufficient or not. (See Wilson v. State, 79 Tenn. 310 (1833).
Contrast this to Massachusetts law, which while permitting a private person to arrest for a felony, permits those acquitted of the felony charge to sue the arresting person for false arrest or false imprisonment. (See Commonwealth v. Harris, 11 Mass. App. 165 (1981))
Kentucky law holds that a person witnessing a felony must take affirmative steps to prevent it, if possible. (See Gill v. Commonwealth, 235 KY 351 (1930.)
Indeed, Kentucky citizens are permitted to kill fleeing felons while making a citizen's arrest (Kentucky Criminal Code � 37; S 43, �44.)
Utah law permits citizen's arrest, but explicitly prohibits deadly force. (See Chapter 76-2-403.)

If you really care what statute 23-581 (a)(2) says you can read it here:

I won't post all of it, but basically it lists serious offenses. Assault, theft, unlawful entry, malicious destruction of property, etc.

There is a laundry list of regular crimes that do not fall under that.

Once again, fuck you asshole.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'd also like to point out that by committing a citizens arrest you assume a liability that police don't. If the person is innocent, or you harm them or damage property in the act you can be held personally responsible. This means that you can't say "well I didn't mean to, I was trying to help the police out! I should not be held liable for trying to help" because the judge will not care. You will still be held personally liable and can be sued.

All the more reason not to get involved unless it is an emergency.


Well-Known Member
unless its an emergency?

whats an emergency to you?

i still say any form of the bystander effect shows the true character in a person

you should be willing to protect the lives around and expect the same from others

people have been stabbed , ran over, shot

in plain view, day light, plenty ppl to hear and watch

but nothing done

cause they dont want to get involved

being able to sit idle while you see someone brutally stabbed has gonna define someone i couldnt understand

this is why personal firearms should be in the arms of the right people because a smart person doesnt use his pistol for harm

its to protect the people around him


Active Member
It's weird this thread has popped up because there is a serial rapist in my neck of the woods. He's raped 4 women in less than a week. The 2nd victim was at an apartment complex 1 mile from our house. I told my wife if I would catch him raping her my .38 would be the last thing he would ever see.
why wait?its bound to happen again..unless..

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I would say any situation that involves losing a human life obviously qualifies as an emergency. Any situation where great harm could be caused is also an emergency. Is someone rummaging through my neighbors house an emergency? Not enough that i'm willing to risk my life or assume liability trying to apprehend someone, unless I thought someone's life was in danger.