Crimea Blue,Trainwreck,Violator Kush 1st Hydro Medical


Well-Known Member
DAY 46
I upped the nutes around this time to 800ppm, the ph adjusts and finds a good number for each res. I have them dialed in at this point and have my attention on the clones.....

Crimea Blue~~~~~~~~~~
I got to looking at her and she is stout as hell, I trimmed 2 solar leaves toward the top on just one side to let more light to the rest of the plant. It was the right choice as you will see at Day 49(on the next post)




Well-Known Member
DAY 49

CRIMEA BLUE~~~~~~~~~
As you can see, pruning 2 solar leaves from the top one the one side was the right choice. I pruned the other side.




Well-Known Member
DAY 54

I can't remember but I think I also Fimmed her today.




Well-Known Member
I will take pics today---Day 59---and will be all up to date. I will begin flowering these 2 on Sunday. The plan is to take the best clone from each strain and grow them in soil as mothers, then pick the next best 3 to veg while these 2 are flowering.


Well-Known Member
DAY 59

I decided not to take mothers this time around. I added nutes to the clones as well as two 4'' airstones and am planning to add a timer for the sprayers tomarrow. The ph is 5.7 and 230ppm. both C.B, and T-wreck are at 5.7ph and 1000ppm. I gave them the 'transition' dose. I don't know if I should have them at 12/12 during the transition feeding. I will start flowering them Sunday night. Trainwreck ended up having 6 tops not 8 as I thought. My only concern at this point is switching them from DWC to drip/dwc(waterfarm) for flowering.

CRIMEA BLUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




Well-Known Member
Did you start your clones with the cut-end of the clone sticking in your res? Were the cut-ends submerged in solution.

I'm looking at the photos and see the green stalk sticking thru the bottom of the net pots.

At this time, you are my mentor, so do a good job...
I am going to run bleach thru my system today and get ready to introduce some babies to it. I have 2 seeds germinating


Well-Known Member
hey drynroasty! no I did'nt submerge them, the end of the cutting is suspended and get sprayed by the sprayers. They go from the mother straight to the aero-cloner. I cut the botttoms of the net pots off, they will root with or without the net pot though. For the first 16 days I just used ph adjusted r/o water with half a ml of h2o2. With the pump running 24/7 the water got real warm so I change the res every 3 days, the h2o2 works wonders. The roots now hang into the water so I added two 4" airstones and will put the sprayers on a timer today. I started giving them GH nutes last night. What strains you going to grow?


Well-Known Member
I was looking through my pics and came across my last grow. It was soil and I was using a 400MH and a 400HPS. I forget how many weeks into flowering I was but I had to chop them down after they had been comprimised. They were just bag seed but were looking good. I was growing in a 3 story apartment complex on the top floor and after the maintence man hooked up all the air conditioners a leak sprung in some line above the living room. There was a big 4'x8' hole in the ceiling from the water leaking and then caving in. Nobody lived in the apartment(hardly) so they let themselves in and stumbled upon the grow. It was a trip because the building manager said not to worry--he was'nt going to do anything. He even convinced the owners of the building not to come by to inspect the damage--he told them he had it under control. He was down as fuck! It was a medical grow, but it had been found and I took it down, you never know. YOU NEVER KNOW.

Anywayz after that it left me with a bad taste, that day I decieded to go hydro and do things better, over a year later here I am.

Here's the pics, I planted 6 plants and 5 were female.



Well-Known Member
HY WHT'S UP????,,,,,,,,,,Great Shot's!!!!,,,Your Plant's Are Looking Awesome!!!!,,,,,Good Job On Thec Clone's,,,Did I Read It Right, That It Took 49-Day's, For Them To Root??,,,,,,I Usaully Start Seeing A Root Startng In 3-Day's.....Well Best Of Luck!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey HATCH! I should specify, the day count is for the grow, the clones are 17 days old. I put a timer for the sprayers today and set it at 30 minutes on and 45 off. Most the roots touching the water now and I have plenty of D/O in there. The timer had 20 settings on it--it was only $8 at Lowes. Do you think the schedule is okay? I have no experience using this aero-cloner. thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
hey HATCH! I should specify, the day count is for the grow, the clones are 17 days old. I put a timer for the sprayers today and set it at 30 minutes on and 45 off. Most the roots touching the water now and I have plenty of D/O in there. The timer had 20 settings on it--it was only $8 at Lowes. Do you think the schedule is okay? I have no experience using this aero-cloner. thanks for stopping by!
Ya, That Sound's Great On The Timer!!!,,,,,,& Ya, That Sound's Way Better On The Clone's Rooting,,,,What Is Your Light's Schedule On For The Clone's????,,,,,,,I Like To Use 16-On/ 8-Off,,,,I Feel They Do Alot Of Developing In The Dark Period......Your Looking Great,,You Have Experience Now!!!!,,,& It Will Only Get Better!!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I am more comfortable with it now that's for sure! when I checked them today everything was great, all I had to do was top them off and raise the lights!--which by the way are on 24 hours a day. I have 2 shop lights with 2 40 watt bulbs in each. I think the clones have too much light but I cant take a light out till tomarrow when I start to flower C.B. & Trainreck. I will also change the lighting schedule for the clones, I have always just done 24 but I'll give them some DARKNESS!!!


Well-Known Member


DAY 2 FLOWERING (with 400w MH)


The timer for the clones had a problem, The sprayers were left off for about 16 hours, all is well now. There were some real bad looking leaves that I cut off prior to pic....

The other closet converted to flower chamber, thanks to WOLFMAN ZEN on the DIY carbon filter. The temp inside is 79F and 37% humidity.

I hooked up the water farm and all is running good. I am going to install airstones in each bucket once the roots start hanging down. The ph is 5.6 and ppm is 1370. As far as converting the plants from DWC to DRIP/DWC, they seem to be adjusting well, I have the rings dripping 24/7. I gave the new rocks a little soak to help jumpstart the plants. Just going from having the roots sumbmerged in water to hydroton concerned me, but all seems to be good.......****EDIT BOTH are FIMMED and each has 6 TOPS!!!!!
CRIMEA BLUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks Wolfman! I tried to Fim 2 plants from my last grow but it did'nt work out. I am stoked both are fimmed!


Well-Known Member
Look's Like Thing's Are Going Great For Ya!!!!,,,,,,,,,Keep Up The Good Work My Brother!!!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie