Criminally insane convict escapes and gets on internet

You bought it and then you accepted it for free. Why do you except and pay for garbage ? I enjoy smoking high grade weed. I TURN DOWN crap AKA regular.
At the time, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Like I said, I paid for it once and never again
At the time, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Like I said, I paid for it once and never again
I have been offered shitty weed before. I turn it down with a thank you. I don't smoke nor accept shitty weed. too many ways to get the good shit
he's convinced that I need to bring him to Texas Stadium and Jerry will give us jobs with the Dallas Cowboys and put us on a high salary payroll

He might not be that nuts after all. Between the two of you, I'd guarantee you could coach better than Garrett. LOL

Fly Eagles Fly!!!!
