Crimson Grows

by the way i realized i haven’t share my fixture before, this is my diy led fixture 480 from the wall 450 true watts after driver loss. 16 cxb1830s driven soft at 700ma. in a couple of months i’m gonna switch out all the diodes with new ones and gonna run them at 1050 to up my wattage maybe. i don’t really think i need to as 450w in this 4x4 works great and beavuse of the bar design no dark spots or anything i get an incredibly uniform light print over the canopy. anyway i’m just very happy and proud with these bars.

had some problems with nutrient deficiencies 20 days back and as usual i corrected it and then went overboard but only a little tip burn is not that bad. they are in the 30th day of flowering and coming along nicely. not much to report except to say that i’ve been extremely busy as i got married and mostly working on getting my house into decent shape so have been neglecting the gals a bit they seem fine to me.
quick update

almost married for a year now house is all pimped up designed a room just for growing with a dedicated ac, air purifier and dehum running 24/7 watering the gals with the distilled water from the dehum for the first time, lets see how well it works

now last run was good but life gets in the way and i forget to update this journal but i’ll try to be more methodical this time.

got a new grow going i had many neglected bonsais as the house was getting renovations i was just too busy to care for them so i decided to flower these and get new clones form each.

they went into soil in december 20th and 23 days later here we are


as you can see they looked pretty miserable when they went in and fast forward to 23 days later


i flipped these gals 4-5 days ago and they are now stretching happily

i got 2 destroyer, 2 cannalope haze, 1 dinachem, 1 blue kush (which havent sprung back to health as fast as the others), 2 nl, 1 caribe and 1 dinachem X blue kush (from my my chucks)
so i got this cannalope haze a long flowerin pheno with massive yields. smoke is not amazing to be fair not in my top 5 but still not bad either. anyway just because it gives massive yields and its sativa leaning effects i decided to get pollen from it and also seed it so i can do another pheno run because i hope to find something closer to the breeders description with faster flowerin times.

this takes 14-15 weeks and if i can get a stable cross out of it with for example an NL or Dinachem something with a faster flowering i can maybe keep the yield ditch the super long flowering and get a pheno that can land in my top 5. keeping fingers crossed. here its balls.

14th day of 12/12

tent running pretty happy tho destroyer has a bit of lime green hued new growth. gave them an aact yesterday, plus supplemented with chelated iron application to soil. works better as a foliar but i can’t risk misting budlets so hope it works well. i’ve been watering everyone on a schedule and i guess destroyers prefer to stay a bit more dry so i’ll let them.

the last 10 days were a bit fucked up destroyers are really not happy yellowing continues and i’m holding myself back to not strip them. i just cant win with these girls but i guess overwatering wasn’t the problem in the end because i let them dry out fairly well now and gave them straight water and it hasn’t worked well so far so i decided to do an experiment i’ll feed one with an all in one mineral based fertilizer and gonna do plain water on the other one after a week or so one of them should look worse and then maybe i can pinpoint the problem. they seem hungry to me but also have tip burns, now potassium def may be the cause of the tip burn but why they are not in that potassium heavy state of ripening yet and i’ve been givin them molasses and i even top dressed these gals but nothing works. i even use a probe for the soil now to take temps and moisture etc. soil temp is 20-22 maybe its the cold feet they don’t like? i’m lost. well i’m hoping i can learn the reason in a week or so. also i’m thinking that i may be feeding them an unbalanced diet because dinachemxblue kush is also showing lime green tops. seems like a micro deficiency to me but also lower leaves are yellowing so they seem hungry but also exhibit tip burn and i’m feeding them everything from molasses to fulvic acid, fish hydrolysate to kelp extract. either i’m locking them out or they are hungry and not getting the correct balanced nutrients. the first month of the grow was straight water without any nutrients and they didn’t even burn then so my soil can’t be too hot and it was very good until about 2 weeks ago. they were happy and very green. now i also realised destroyers are drinking plenty of water i water with about 2litres of water every 3rd day and pots become fairly light by the 3rd day. well i gotta dial these in its about time this is my 4th grow with these gals and i need to find a way to keep them happy at this point so a little side by side will be good. what throws me off is that cannabiogen suggests feeding less N in flowering, less than normal, less than you‘d feed anyother cannabis strain because they say it may cause burns so i always abstained from feeding much fish hydrolysate to these girls but at this time i’m having doubts so as i said i’ll feed one and starve the other, i already topdressed the two about 2 weeks ago when the syptoms first appeared so even the starving one will not be starved completely but if the other one gets worse i’ll know its burn. they look so hungry and the strange thing its not that far behind the others in flower formation. my longest sativa the cannalope hazes in the middle row (the tall ones) are 15 weekers and these are 12-13 and they pretty much have same sized flowers. wow this was a long post anyway i’m hoping to crack this case this run so i can get the best out of these gals because they are fantastic in effect potency and taste even in these abysmal runs. other than that tent seems ok, not great but ok. i’ve also seen that yellowing of the tops on the branches which were close to the lights so i’m not sure if its light burn or not or the plant just can’t keep up with the feeding etc. i’m just lost feel free to share your opinions and knowledge dudes (that is of course if you’ve made it this far into my i can’t grow manifesto lol and if so kudos)

30th day update

i guess the destroyer i fed seemed better to me after about a week. the difference is subtle and not very visible on photos but its there, i see greener leaves up top with the fed plant and the interesting thing to me is that the mids on both plants are perfectly green and lows are shedding leaves. so yellowing up top, shedding down below and green in the mids :)

i even found an N toxic branch on one of them with clawed leaves and all but the tops are really just hanging on. i have a theory seeing only the ones kept close to the lights are showing this symptoms i’m guessing its light burn at this moment. not because too powerful lights but because they grew into it too quickly. i mostly kept the lights far away before switching to get a more even ppfd distribution but these sativas can stretch well and they did just that.

in about 2 weeks they grew so taller tops of the destroyers were merely 30cm from the lights and cannalope hazes are still even more close because i ran out of headspace and they are getting bombarded from every angle with the other 2 bars i keep lower for the other trays and some side branches are just 10-15 cm away from those powerful leds. same goes with the dinaxblue. lime green tops, deep green mids, yellowing lows.

i think keeping up with the light is eating the plants away and my soil doesn’t feed them fast enough to replenish. this is mostly because in the last year or so i got lazy and haven’t been paying attention to my worm bin and i used to do all dry amendments in a well cooked homemade ewc rich medium and topdressed when needed and some aacts and i’ll get back to that and start them closer to the lights next time so they can adjust to high intensity. but this definitely feels like it has something to do with the lights because mostly my sativas are yellowing and the ones far away from the lights seems to do just great. happy and green.

destroyers from the side the one at the back seems greener (the fed one) but overall i’m not angry at the rate of budding
destroyer lower branch (not the n toxic one i’m gonna take a pic of that too) looks happy and green

rearranged the tent today took the blue kush out humidity was getting a little high and blue kush is really prone to budrot because of its tight nugs so its gonna finish in 2x2 gonna post some photos of it too forgot to take anyway by doing that i had a free spot in the middle tray so i moved dinachemxblue kush f1 in between the cannalope hazes. so i get the chance to spread out the 3 3 gallon pots left at the back tray (nl, dinachem, caribe).

other than that tents going well the deficiency symptoms i have encountered is getting better (so i guess it was deficiency i really should remember to topdress before flipping because this always happens and i always say i’ll remember to topdress but i always forget or say fuck it don’t need it, i need to do it period)

budding is also satisfactory on both the destroyers and the cannalope hazes top dressed them with vermicast also topdressed the dinachem and the dinachemxblue kush seems like they are catching on which is good news at the end of week 5 lol but all in all i’d call the situation pretty good. only thing i’d want to chance is the rh but it just hovers around 60 and i’m running 2 dehums in the room and collecting a good amount of water maybe abour 10lt a day but it stays where it stays. hope they finish without any problems keeping fingers crossed.

destroyers. it very green under lime green :)

nl s1 #2

this is before the rearrangement, i moved the seeded plants (the ones that look yellow and dead in the lower middle area) after removing the blue kush but decided i can fit them into the same 2x2 today and did that

after rearrangement (way better imo more airflow more space for them to spread out)

back row (starting from the fan caribe, dinachem, nl s1#1)

side photo before rearrangement (premature bud porn)
here we are at day 43 i missed the correct window on topdressing the caribe and apparently with my sativas aswell however i think besides caribe they are doing acceptable at this point lots of leaves have been shed and tops are still lime green/yellow but budding is satisfactory at the moment.

i topdressed both cannalope hazes as i saw they needed more medium to grow roots in and mulched the destroyers because they were drying out every day. i don’t want to water everyday because my rh is still at the danger zone at 50-55% so mulching seemed like a good idea.

for my next run with these gals i’m definitely thinking about filling the pots 2/3 at the start and just top it off when i switch to 12/12 that way may be i can trick them into a happy flowering phase and give them ample source of nutrients because it’s clear to me now that it is what they’ve wanted all along. i’m kinda feeling “fuck bottled stuff” atm. no bottled stuff does what nutrient and ewc rich topdressing does for my gals.

well anyway one of the cannalopes bounced back completely and the other probably will in a week or so. the leaves were pretty much gone all yellow, piss yellow and now its green as they were 2 weeks ago. i mulched them too because i want those pots to be covered entirely with roots, to the roof.

dinachem x blue kush f1 is getting there. fattening up nicely and nice frost. i actually had a taster from lowers and it had excellent potency for underripe fluff :)

nls and dinachem will be ready soon too i’m thinking 2 weeks or so. all sticky gals. no monster yields because they stayed much shorter then their neigbouring plants so extremely far away from the lights all grow (75+ cm away from day 1 of 12/12) but still sticky smelly nugs.

caribe was a heavier feeder which i didn’t really notice before, well i only did one grow with it and it wasn’t a very involved grow. so anyway next time i should topdress it generously because almost all the fan leaves are gone now.

whenever i see yellowing with my gals i always start thinking hell i‘m giving them bloom nutes, fish hydrolysate, humic/fulvic, aminos, seaweed etc. they just can’t be hungry but turns out that they are. what i seem to forget everytime is that some of these plants are properly big and they really need to eat to stay green and this nutrient deficiencies can only be filled by a complete and organic ewc/manure/soil topdressing in my case and thats just how it is. i suck at bottles, never been able to fix anything with bottles. my homemade compost on the other hand fucking magic. this is the only thing i should keep in mind from this grow:


this is the lesson i keep learning at each grow and then forget but now its written down its gonna stay with me forever lol

ok here is the tent and the gals. i‘m gonna say it again they’re not terrible, i’ve had far worse grows with the same genetics :)



dinachem x blue kush f1
how about this one i‘m finishing my seed run in the 2x2 and thats the last one standing in the plastic pot there its gonna be done in a couple of days and i’m gonna be running my perpetual line (which means the line gets pollen from every reversed female). its now ((dinachem x blueberry) x northern lights) x blue kush. thinking of calling it double blue aurora chem, dbac for short :D
