Crinkling and Drooping Clone


on April 3, 2014 I picked up a DHN's Dream Queen and a MO's Platinum Purple. When i got em i noticed one of the lowest fan leaves on the PP have a crinkle to it, I figured she would grow out of it. I put them in Sta-Green Moisturemax potting mix.

This was taken on 4/7IMG_3242.JPG . can't really see the crinkle but I think healthy. I've been moving them to the sunniest window in the house until 4/15 when it put them under a HydroFarm Fluorogrow 150W CFL with hood setup under the kitchen sink(temp under the sink average around 84f) IMG_0863.JPG for now along with some beefsteak tomatoes seedlings. Ever since then I noticed the PP was droopy. I didn't want to worry too much since I read most newbies over think everything and end up making things worse but now I'm a lil worried. Last night she was super droopy and i just hope she would perk up in the morning. As soon as I woke up (one hour in to her 18 hour light on period) I found her still very droopy. IMG_1079.JPGIMG_1080.JPG IMG_1081.JPG IMG_1082.JPG IMG_1084.JPG IMG_1085.JPG

Thank you guys and gals for your help.
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maybe its Stagnant heat? Or over water. I always make it a point to water my plants when my lights are on to help on the evaporation to prevent excess water even when excess water is drained.

Maybe some with more experience can help.

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Active Member
What is your watering schedule,like when do you water and how do you know when to water?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my guess is over watering as well. Do you let the pot get very light before watering again? The roots need oxygen for the plant to thrive. Do not water on a set schedule, always by the weight of the pot.

That soil looks like it retains a lot of water. Next time add some perlite to the soil mix, it will really help. You should also do this if/when you transplant.


I don't water till the soil seems dry to me by sticking finger in the soil about an inch down.

The Dream Queen is not showing any issues and has had the same watering schedule. I water with bottled water.

I wonder if the temp is too high.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like it is a temp issue. 84 is a bit high but still in range, I try not to let mine get over 82.

As long as the pot feels noticeable light when you pick it up before you rewater you will be good on that front. MJ prefers too dry over too wet so try to err on that side. Some people even wait until they wilt a bit to water, but I wouldn't recommend that.

Typically when the leaves curl down evenly along the leaf (as yours are) it is overwatering. If just the tip is curling down it is usually too high Nitrogen.

It could be a PH issue I suppose, maybe the smaller plant is more sensitive to PH that is slightly out of range.


I'll trying and check the pH, can I use an aquarium type pH tester? Do I need to check the pH of the soil too? So I'm guessing test the run off water from the pot.


Well-Known Member
I would test both the water you water with and the runoff. I have never tested soil PH myself so not sure on the technique, maybe do a search for info there. An aquarium meter should be fine, just make sure it is calibrated properly they tend to "drift" in their readings pretty quickly. Good Luck


Well I picked to a generic pH/moisture/light meter and the moisture is maxed out on the wet side. I also got some perlite, should I remove some soil and mix now or wait till I transplant in to a bigger pot? pH was about 6.5.