crisp ass leaves ;\ help please


This is my 1st grow& i'm on 5 weeks flowering. ALl the buds look DANK as hell but my fans are goin' to shit:o whats wrong? i have foxfarm of, no nutrients and water with molasses every other watering. Maybe im over watering, it just flows out the bottom of the pot. Any help would be appreciated! peace



Well-Known Member
You finish at 8 weeks?...I wouldn't even worry about it at all. Give like one more light nute feeding after letting her dry for a few days...and then let her go another 4 days or so and water heavy w/o any nutes at all. The leaves WILL yellow up on you...that is normal at the end of flowering. Remember nothing but straight water without any nutes at all for the last two weeks.


That is true i can already see the light bro. I'm gonna skip the watering tomorrow& water either mon. or tues.
For those last 2 weeks can i still use the molasses and follow it up with a flush my last 3days?
There's so many different opinions out there