crispy/airy buds problem


Active Member
Has anyone had problems trying to producing dense, compact buds? I just finished my second harvest and again, I got really crispy and airy buds. Buds are good size but they weigh next to nothing since they're so damn airy. Can't blame it on the seeds since they were bought from a legit seed bank in NL with a strong track record. Could it be any of these things?

1) 250 watt HPS - this is what I used to flower. I think most would agree this is sufficient for growing a few plants but could it be that my light is not giving the plants enough wattage?

2) Length of flowering? I flowered these for almost 11 weeks and the strain is more of a sativa type (white widow) so I would figure if anything I would flower on the shorter side. 11 weeks was definitely on the longer side. Should I go even longer than that? Seems weird though.

3) Drying/curing process? I don't think it's this since the buds are so obviously airy even before starting any of this.

If anyone could steer me in the right direction that would be great! It's really frustrating doing all this work and waiting this long for really airy buds that I don't even feel good about smoking.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you chopped early, a common mistake. Sativas can easily go 14-18 weeks before being ready, and yes lights play a big role in bud development and density. I've only used CFL's so far, but I keep them close and let it go long. I'm guessing even with that 250, your plant(s) got the axe a bit early.

Anita Bhonghitt

Active Member
Is your light close enough to your plants?

Could also just be an airy pheno of WW that you got. I've had that happen with a few strains. Sativa's can have airy buds in general so it's not uncommon.

It should smoke just fine though : )
It could be a number of things. But the last two on your list don't factor into your issue. You should be looking at your nutrients. As I understand it, too much nitrogen contributes to the airy buds. I don't know how exactly, but that's what I've learned. My last grow, I followed the directions on the GH 3-part label. I got those airy buds. Then, I switched to the Lucas formula mid way in my current grow which is drying and curing right now. I quick dried a good portion and left the rest to hang. The nugs that are dry now are tight and dense.

Also the HPS may play a role as well. As I understand it, MH produces shorter plants, tighter node spacing and denser buds compared to the HPS. When choosing a light folks don't get into such specifics. You hear, "HPS is just as good as MH!" When you want to grow, you'll find either will do. It's when you want to tweak what you're doing that find out these lil tid bits. There's a growing group of MH users who swear by it because of everything mentioned plus greater THC content. The saying goes.. "HPS for the cash, MH for the stash." Because you keep the best for yourself lol.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I use a late flowering potash solution by Dutch Master™. It makes the buds swell up with resin and get nice and compact.


Active Member
Like a couple people said sativa's tend to have big buds but not weigh as much as they look, this,you should up your lighting standards, and definately dont crop early,give them a full cycle and when they look done leave them another few days. Also co2 improves your weight heavily,that, if you dont already have might be an option for you. Hope you got some chronics. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state. Don't leagalize marijuana. SMoke JoInTS.


Well-Known Member
Like a couple people said sativa's tend to have big buds but not weigh as much as they look, this,you should up your lighting standards, and definately dont crop early,give them a full cycle and when they look done leave them another few days. Also co2 improves your weight heavily,that, if you dont already have might be an option for you. Hope you got some chronics. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state. Don't leagalize marijuana. SMoke JoInTS.
I've been growing NL x Sk and having the same problem. The plants look great and have a mouth-watering, fruity smell, but the buds run and have no weight. I've been cloning it and trying various solutions, but the plants are extremely difficult to keep alive. I've been growing since 1984, so it's not my imagination. I don't know if the seedling I began with was genetically fucked up, but I won't waste more time on this one!


Active Member
If your not using co2, with a skunk I suggest you do if you have the resources. I'm guessing NL(northern lights) with a SK(skunk) cross,thats a very good sounding strain I havent grown it myself. I'm not sure what your growing conditions are but if you want to go through it just let me know i'll try to help you. Later barrelhse,by the way nice profile pic;some perky poppies. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.