Recently started my pc grow, its about 12 days old now.
I watered on the 3rd day, 6th day with Seaweed Seasol Organic Fert full power (Yes I fuckd up), 9th day and 11th day (Flushed it so see if it would help)
Also - the height of the plant aint tall, I think this is a case of STUNTED GRowth, but I'm not entirely sure, the stem does seem a little larger though.
View attachment 2187409
I'm growing under one 48w and 24w 5000k spectrum,
I've now turned off the 24w as I thought my babies were getting too much heat...
Advice would be greatly appreciated fellas
Much Love!-
I watered on the 3rd day, 6th day with Seaweed Seasol Organic Fert full power (Yes I fuckd up), 9th day and 11th day (Flushed it so see if it would help)
Also - the height of the plant aint tall, I think this is a case of STUNTED GRowth, but I'm not entirely sure, the stem does seem a little larger though.
View attachment 2187409
I'm growing under one 48w and 24w 5000k spectrum,
I've now turned off the 24w as I thought my babies were getting too much heat...
Advice would be greatly appreciated fellas
Much Love!-